Friday, July 29, 2016

A. Power Snatch + Snatch, not TnG, heavy set for day in 12 min
B. Squat Snatch, 1/min for 60 sec for 10 reps @ 80-95% of A
C. Back Squat @ 80X1, 4 x 4 reps, rest 2-3 min **start conservative
10 min EMOM
5 Power Clean & Jerk TnG
**moderate to light weight focus on speed and efficiency
5 min Bike cool down

A. Only hit 165. My left wrist around the side of my left thumb was hurting A LOT when receiving the bar overhead. This was super painful.
B. Done at 155.
C. 135, 155, 155, 165. Could have done all sets at 165. Felt the burn on the slow descend but exploded up and never got the feeling I was going to fail.

EMOM. I did not expect this to be this difficult. Started at 135 and after round 4 I had to drop to 115 bacuse I was so fatigued I could not go UB any longer.

Bike. Done.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

5 sets: Bike 2 min @ 100% 6 min Test pace, rest 1:15 min
15 min EMOM
1st- 10 CTB Pull Ups + 20 Double Unders
2nd- 15 Wallball, 20# **again, goal is unbroken
3rd- 20-30 sec HS Hold

1) 345 watts 39.2 kph. Right on.
2) 359 watts 39.9 kph. Way too fast
3)345 watts 39.2 kph. Right on. But I was hurting
4) 331 watts 38.4 kph dying off
5) 288 watts 36.9kph. Dead. Quads exploded.


Rounds 1-3 went fine. Round 4 was terrible. Legs were shot. Only got 7 wall balls UB and I was panting like a dog. Last round was UB. Legs were just smoked after the AD.
Hip Flexor stretch
Glute activation work
A. Squat Snatch, build to tough single, 1RM if feeling it in 15 min
B. Squat Snatch, 30 reps @ 70% for time
C1. Back Squat, 3 x 5 reps, rest 2 min
C2. Strict Deficit HSPU’s, 3 x 6-8, rest 2 min @ 6.5”

A. 210.... Soooo close to 220 and a PR. Funny thing is that I did not feel fast or strong... I just kept making the lift! Did not fail till 220# and I was that close three times before it got ugly.

B. 10:10 at 145#.
C1. 275# lags are coming back.
C2. 8,8,8

A. Snatch, 1/min for 15 min **start @ 65%, add weight every 3 min as long as you’re hitting quality reps **2 sec pause in catch
B. Clean & Jerk, build to a tough triple, drop each from top
C. Front Rack Step Up, build to 10RM each leg
10 min Bike cool down

Did this after coaching an Oly clinic at a friends box for 8 hours in 120 degree heat box

A started at 135 finished at 175
B. 205.
C. 95
No bike. 45 min drive home was my cool down.
3 sets
Row 3 min @ 2k PR pace, rest 2:30 min
A1. Press @ 20X2, 4 x 10, rest 90 sec
A2. L-sit Pull Ups @ 20X2, 4 x 6-8, rest 90 sec
20 min @ easy pace
Row 250m
30 sec Passive Hang from Rings
30 sec Ring Support Hold
5 Pistols/leg w/ 2 sec pause in bottom
30 sec Hollow Hol

DNF. Had a project to finish for work did not leave till way late
Movement Activation Warm Up
Kossack Squats
Dead Bugs
Bird Dogs
Crossover Box Step Ups
A. 2-Position Snatch, build to tough single in 10 min (Above Knee, Below Knee)
B. Squat Snatch, 1/min for 45 sec for 15 reps @ 80-95% of A
C. Back Squat @ 30X1, 5 x 3 reps, rest 2-3 min @ 82.5-85% 1RM
D1. Front Rack Step Ups, 2 x 10/leg, rest as needed **goal is same weight as last week
D2. Back Extensions @ 20X1, 2 x 25 reps, rest as needed

A. 166.. I hit 185 above the knee then the bar slipped out on my way down. Immediately picked it back up and hit it from the low hang.

B. Did 165 based off 185.

C. Did set 1 at 315 and it was super tough. Set 2 i hit 1 then failed. Did another single and failed again. Then hit a third single. Did the last 3 sets at 275. Legs still not fully back yet obviously.
D1. Bar only. Legs had nothing left. I felt like I was gona vomit
D2 done. This burned a lot more than usual.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

5 sets: Bike 2 min @ 100% 6 min Test pace, rest 1:30 min
16 min EMOM
1st- 10 CTB Pull Ups + 20 Double Unders
2nd- 15 Wallball, 20# **again, goal is unbroken
3rd- 20-30 sec HS Hold
4th- 30-40 sec Hollow Rock

The good news is that I KNOW my snatches were on point yesterday because my Hamstrings are sore. The bad news is that my legs feel like I did a day of smolov yesterday. Holy crap I'm sore like I've never squatted before and I don't know why.

AD was not @100%. I tried. But AD whilst congested not easy. So much snot coming down my nose I couldn't breath. So much flegm coming up my throat that was not fun either.

1) 302 watts 37.3 kph
2) 331 watts 38.1 kph
3). 317 watts 37.8
4) 317 watts 37.7
5) 290 watts 36.9 kph

Should have been around 360 watts 39.2 kph

EMOM done

Hip Flexor stretch
Glute activation work
A. Squat Snatch, build to tough single, 1RM if feeling it in 15 min
B. Squat Snatch, 30 reps @ 70% for time- 2 sec pause in catch position **focus on perfect movement over time.
C1. Back Squat, 3 x 7 reps, rest 2 min
C2. Strict Deficit HSPU’s, 3 x 5-6, rest 2 min **record deficit

A. 185#. No where near my PR. I felt like I was squeezing under that bar barely.
B. Did it at 135. Around 75%. 12 mins. Really focused on making each rep fast but solid and I think they were great reps . But by rep 3 I felt like my HR was going to explode. I just couldn't not slow it down. Muscularly I felt OK. Metabolicly not sure I am back to 100%

C1. 225. Which should have been easy felt easy on my legs but I felt like my HR and my breathing was like I was doing 20 rep maxes.

C2. All 6 at 6.5 inches. A 45# and 15# plates. Being upside down felt good actually. Till I got back right side up. Then people would laugh at me cause i was almost walking in circles.
A. Snatch, 1/min for 15 min **start @ 65%, add weight every 3 min as long as you’re hitting quality reps **2 sec pause in catch
B. Clean & Jerk, build to a tough triple, drop each from top
C. Front Rack Step Up, build to 10RM each leg
10 min Bike cool down

A1. Press @ 20X2, 5 x 10, rest 90 sec
A2. L-sit Pull Ups @ 20X2, 5 x 4-6, rest 90 sec
20 min @ easy pace
Row 250m
30 sec Passive Hang from Rings
30 sec Ring Support Hold
5 Pistols/leg w/ 2 sec pause in bottom
30 sec Hollow Hold

A1. At 95#
A2. Done.

Metcon. Did 1 round and stopped. I was not ready. My HR felt like it was thru the roof and I felt awful. Like I was doing Fran and I I was really doing were passive hangs. Gona sit on it till Monday.
W4, coming off sickness
Row 10 min @ Z2
10 min practicing KB Windmills
Bike 10 min @ Z2
10 min Turkish Get Up, 35#
Row 10 min @ Z2

10 mins @ 2:15-2:20 pace and I felt awful. Like I had sand paper at the back of my throat.

Did the wind mills and TGU. Hardest part was balance when my left hand was up. Fluid in my ears can potentially take up 12 weeks to fully drain 😳
Did not finish the rows tho. Didn't want to flare up my throat and sinus again.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Wednesday- rest day

Fever is gone. Coughing a lot less. Still feeling pressure everywhere inside my head. Draining like crazy. But I made it to work! So hopefully by tomorrow we are good.
5 sets: Bike 2 min @ 100% 6 min Test pace, rest 1:30 min
16 min EMOM
1st- 10 CTB Pull Ups + 20 Double Unders
2nd- 15 Wallball, 20# **again, goal is unbroken
3rd- 20-30 sec HS Hold
4th- 30-40 sec Hollow Rock

Still down. Shortness of breath is killing me.
Hip Flexor stretch
Glute activation work
A. Pause Snatch Deadlift just to knee cap + Squat Snatch, build to tough complex in 15 min
B. Power Snatch, 5 @ 95#/min for 10 min **focus on efficiency and tech
C1. Back Squat, 3 x 8 reps, rest 2 min
C2. Strict Deficit HSPU’s, 3 x 5-6, rest 2 min **record deficit
3 rounds
15 GH Raises @ 20X0
20 GH Sit Ups @ 2020

Did not workout. Got knocked on my butt by some sort of sinus/ ear/ pharynx infection. Not cool. Will be down thru Wednesday. Didn't even go to work for the first time in almost a year.
A. Hang Squat Clean + 2 Jerks, build to tough single in 15 min (mid thigh)
B. Front Squat, 4 x 5 reps @ 2-5% heavier than last week, rest 2-3 min
C. Single Leg BB RDL @ 20X1, 3 x 5/leg, rest 2 min **not sure why quads are locking up, may be bending knee too much.  Video a set and put it in blog
3 sets
Row 2 min @ 2k PR pace
18 Wallball, 20# **I want these unbroken, goal is working on going deeper on unbroken sets and being able to recover
Rest 2 min
3 x 7 Unbroken Muscle Ups, rest as needed to complete Unbroken **try to rest less than last week

A. 225, tried 255 and failed the clean. Just felt slow.
B. 240 done
C. 105 done

wb done. 18 was super tough.

MUs 2 sets done. Tried to cut my rest time to 2 mins bn sets 2 and 3 and failed the 5th rep. Rested 1 more minute and failed rep 3.

Not feeling well today. Throat and sinuses acting up.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

3 sets
Row 3 min @ 2k PR pace, rest 2:30 min
A1. Push Press, 4 x 3, rest 1 min
A2. Legless Rope Climb, 4 x 1, rest 2 min **try L-sit
3 rounds for time:
Run 400m
12 Deadlifts, 225#
6 Muscle Ups
**do some light soft tissue stuff on the bottom of your feet and calves before running
**do you have good running shoes?

1) 1:52.9/500 797m
2) 1:53.3/500. 794m
3) 1:54.7/500 784m

First 2 rounds felt good. Last round felt awful.
A1. 155,155, 165, 175. Legs felt smoked from the row
A2. All L sits.

First round all UB
Second round broke DL at 8+4 and MU at 4+2
Last round 8+4 and 3+2+1 MUs
Movement Activation Warm Up
Kossack Squats
Dead Bugs
Bird Dogs
Crossover Box Step Ups
A. Hang Squat Snatch, build to tough single in 10 min (Below Knee)
B. Squat Snatch, 1/min for 45 sec for 15 reps @ 80-95% of A
C. Back Squat @ 30X1, 5 x 4 reps, rest 2-3 min @ 80% 1RM
D1. Front Rack Step Ups, 2 x 10/leg, rest as needed **goal is same weight as last week
D2. Back Extensions @ 20X1, 2 x 25 reps, rest as needed

A. 185 😳
B. 165# done
C. 300# done
D1. 95# done. Metabolically challenging. And also left leg was harder.
D2. Done.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

4 sets: Bike 3 min @ 100% 6 min Test pace, rest 3 min
16 min EMOM
1st- 8 CTB Pull Ups + 20 Double Unders
2nd- 17 Wallball, 20#
3rd- 20-30 sec HS Hold
4th- 35 sec Hollow Rock

A. 38.4 kph 331 watts 44.9
B. 38.3 kph 331 watts 44.0
C. 37.9 kph 329 watts 42.7

Holy crap! My quads were destroyed!

EMOM done wall balls after the AD was terrible! 7+5+5

Hip Flexor stretch
Glute activation work
A. Snatch Pull + Squat Snatch, build to tough complex in 15 min
B. Power Snatch, 5 @ 95#/min for 10 min **focus on efficiency and tech
C1. Back Squat, 3 x 10 reps, rest 2 min
C2. Strict Deficit HSPU’s, 3 x 5-6, rest 2 min
3 rounds
12 GH Raises @ 20X0
17 GH Sit Ups @ 2020

A. 185. Hips were not firing well. Missed 205 ugly. Lol!
B. Done
C1. 225
C2. 6 reps every set

5:43 metcon.
A. Squat Clean + 2 Jerks, build to tough single in 15 min
B. Front Squat, 4 x 6 reps @ 2-5% heavier than last week, rest 2-3 min
C. Single Leg BB RDL @ 20X1, 3 x 5/leg, rest 2 min
3 sets
Row 2 min @ 2k PR pace
22 Wallball, 20#
Rest 2 min
3 x 7 Unbroken Muscle Ups, rest as needed to complete Unbroken

A. 245#
B. 235
C. 95# for some reason, my quads spas and cramp when I do these?

1st set UB on the WB. Bad idea. The rest of these sets my legs were destroyed.

2nd set 14+ 6+2
3 Ed set 12+ 6+4 and barely kept the 2 k pace.

MUs done. But between sets 2 and 3 I took like 4 minutes of rest.
3 sets
Row 3 min @ 2k PR pace, rest 2:45 min
A1. Push Press, 4 x 4, rest 1 min
A2. Legless Rope Climb, 4 x 1, rest 2 min
3 rounds for time:
Run 400m
5 Power Clean to OH, 185#
5 Muscle Ups
**do some light soft tissue stuff on the bottom of your feet and calves before running
**do you have good running shoes?

1:53.9. 790m
1:54.2. 788m
1:53.7. 791m

A. 175# bad idea
A2. Done

14:13 metcon