Saturday, June 27, 2015

Ido Portal Squat Routine-
A. LB Back Squat @ 30X1, build to 3RM, -5% and -10% for 3’s
B. RFE Split Squat w/ DB’s @ 21X1, 6/leg x 4, rest 1 min b/w legs
C1. CG Bench Press @ 32X1, 4 reps x 4, rest 1 min
C2. Strict CTB Pull Ups @ 20X1, 3-5 reps x 4, rest 1 min
Crossover Symmetry Recovery

A) 185, 225, 255, 275 
B) 50# 

C1)205, 205, 225,225 (surprised. Last set was a fight!)

C2) 5,5,5,5

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A1. Half Kneeling Single Arm DB Press @ 30X3, 8-10/arm x 4, rest 1 min
A2. 3-Point Single Arm Bent Row @ 30X3, 8-10/arm x 4, rest 1 min
Run 400m @ 80% pace from the last runs, rest 2 min x 6
Ido Portal Squat Routine  

A) 35#, 10,10,10,10, last set tempo was a bit questionable. 

A2) 53# 10,10,10,8. Biceps and back were toast. 

  HR 161

2) 1:25

3) 1:26
  HR 169

  HR 168

5) 1:33
  HR  167

6) 1:29
  HR 169

These ended up being closer to the 90% numbers from testing week. 

Banded assisted Cossack squat, 6-8/side x 3, RAN
A. Front Squat @ 200# + Chains, 2 reps/min x 10 
B. Power Snatch, 2 TnG/min x 10 min *about 75%
C. Wtd Hip Extensions on GHD, 12-15 reps x 4, rest 1-2 min
D. GH Raises @ 20X1, 6-8 reps x 4, rest 1-2 min

10 min easy bike

A) done at 200# plus 40# of chains

B) done at 130 (felt better than last week)

C) 25# vest... 15.15,15,15 

D) probably should have used more weight on C... Hammies were gone!

6,6 then I could not do a single one with my hands behind my head, did 6,6 with my hands across my chest. 

10 min AD done. 106 cals
A. 1 Strict Muscle Up/min for 8 min
B1. Wall Facing HSPU’s @ 30X1, 5-7 reps x 4, rest 1 min
B2. Inverted Bar Rows @ 20X1, 8-10 reps x 4, rest 1 min
C. 1 & 1/4 Front Squat, 2 reps x 5, rest 2-3 min
D. 20 Squat Snatch @ 135# for time: *all singles

A) done no fails. Had 1 or 2 close ones tho. 

B)7,7,6,5 just died at the end. 

C) 225, 245,245,245,245 these got tough.

D) 6:08 ( may have done one extra rep)

Monday, June 22, 2015

Row 500m @ 1:59 x 8, rest 2 min 
HS Walk Practice

1) 1:54
2) 1:55
3) 1:55
4) 1:55
5) 1:56
6) 1:57
7) 1:57
8) 1:57

last 3 felt like they were almost all out.

HS walk practice... went well... did 4 sets of side to side wall walks 20' each, then practiced coming off the wall... walking off the wall was difficult, but balancing in a free standing HS felt pretty strong. little closer i think. 
Ido Portal Squat Routine-
A. LB Back Squat @ 30X1, build to 4RM, -5% and -10% for 4’s
B. RFE Split Squat w/ DB’s @ 21X1, 8/leg x 4, rest 1 min b/w legs
C1. CG Bench Press @ 32X1, 5 reps x 4, rest 1 min
C2. Strict CTB Pull Ups @ 20X1, 4-6 reps x 4, rest 1 min
Crossover Symmetry Recovery

Ido done

A)185, 215, 245, 265x4
    240x4    video cut off 265#

B)45# per hand again... these felt so so rough again.. again, almost threw up doing these!

C1)185, 185, 195, 195

C2)6, 6, 6, 6

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A1. Half Kneeling Single Arm DB Press @ 30X3, 8-10/arm x 4, rest 1 min
A2. 3-Point Single Arm Bent Row @ 30X3, 8-10/arm x 4, rest 1 min
Run 400m @ 80% pace from last week, rest 2 min x 6
Ido Portal Squat Routine 

A1.25#x10, 30x10, 35x10, 35x10 
A2.53#x8 all the way thru... these got TOUGH!

sub row for run curtesy of tropical storm Bill

1. 1:57
2. 1:58
3. 1:57
4. 1:59
5. 1:58
6. 1:56

Ido portal done... plus some extra hip mobility stuff.

Banded assisted Cossack squat, 6-8/side x 3, RAN
A. Front Squat w/ chains if possible, 2 reps/min x 10 *70% or 60%+chains
B. Power Snatch, 2 TnG/min x 10 min *about 70%
C. Wtd Hip Extensions on GHD, 12-15 reps x 3, rest 1-2 min
D. GH Raises @ 20X1, 6-8 reps x 3, rest 1-2 min
10 min easy bike

I took these to mean EMOM?

A. 180#+ 40# chains x 10 felt ok.
B. 125x2 power snatches started out rusty and slow, got better as it went on. probably should have warmed up and stretched shoulders a little better. 
C. 20# vest 15, 15, 15, hammies were nice and dead by the time I finished.
D. 8, 6, 4 with hands behind my head, then 2 with my hands across my chest.

10 min AD 105 cal
A. 1 Strict Muscle Up/min for 6 min
B1. Wall Facing HSPU’s @ 30X1, 4-6 reps x 4, rest 1 min
B2. Tuck Front Lever Pull Ups on Rings @ 20X1, 4-5 reps x 4, rest 1 min
C. 1 & 1/4 Front Squat, 3 reps x 4, rest 2-3 min
D. 30 Squat Snatch @ 115# for time: *all singles

A. done with no fail. (already more than in the test from last week.)

B1.6, 6, 6, 5... Yikes! these got spicy... first time not hitting my HSPU top goal.

B2. 5, 5, 5, 5  getting better at not swinging all over the place

C) 225 and these felt rough today! hamstrings and flutes were really sore from last 2 days.

D. 9:36 first time squat snatching in a while, was a little anxious at first thinking it was going to feel rusty, but after 2 or 3 reps i felt more comfortable, just slow. quads were smoked 
Row 500m x 8, rest 2 min *try to sustain pace from 30 min row
HS Walk Practice

1) 1:58
2) 2:00
3) 1:57
4) 2:00
5) 2:00
6) 1:58
7) 2:01
8) 2:00

HS walk practice, had a friend help me with some progressions. walked on my hands sideways facing a wall for 4 set of 20' per side. mostly working on the motion of moving may hands from the shoulders and not from my elbows. all in all 15-20 minutes of practice. shoulders are pretty smoked. 
Ido Portal Squat Routine-
A. LB Back Squat @ 30X1, build to 5RM, -5% and -10% for 5’s
B. RFE Split Squat w/ DB’s @ 21X1, 8/leg x 3, rest 1 min b/w legs
C1. CG Bench Press @ 32X1, 6 reps x 4, rest 1 min
C2. Strict CTB Pull Ups @ 20X1, 4-6 reps x 4, rest 1 min
Crossover Symmetry Recovery

really really tired today. had a hard time sleeping last night 

A) 255#x 5, these felt really off today.
    245#x5 and 230#x5

B)45# per hand these felt extra rough today, i think that 1 sec at the bottom made a big difference. i actually felt a little nauseous after my last set!

C1) 165x6, 165x6, 186x6, 185x6

C2)6,5,5,4  had a hard time with that hold at the top. 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

A1. DB Z-Press @ 31X3, 8-10 reps x 3, RAN **video from the back w/ shirt off if possible
A2. Scap Pull Ups, 8-10 reps x 3, RAN
Good Track Warm Up
Run 5 x 400m, rest 2 min b/w sets, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100% efforts
**record time for each effort
**record peak HR each effort also

A1. 75, 95, 105.  A lot tougher than I though. 

A2. Videoed 1 set of these too. Right shoulder felt like it was grinding while doing these.


60%= 2:03, 142 hr
70%= 1:47, 156 hr
80%= 1:35, 163 hr
90%= 1:28, 170 hr
100%= 1:15, 173 hr

Fit but had a ahed time reading my hr on the last round... That 173 was right at after I crossed the finish line. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

A. Romanian Dead Lift @ 40X1, 4 x 4, rest 2-3 min
B1. Wtd Vest GH Hip Extensions, 12-15 reps x 4, rest 1 min
B2. L-Sit Hang from Bar, 10 sec x 3 reps x 4 sets, rest 1 min
C. GH Raises, 10-12 reps x 3,

A. 185, 215, 235, 255 ( used straps on the last 2 sets. Feels odd activating glutes. Feels like it forces me to bend my knees and activated my quads instead of hamstrings. 

B1. 20# vest. All sets of 15. This one burned a lot. 

B2. All done. Kept the vest on for kicks and giggles. 

C. 12, 12, 10. Easier without the tempo. 
3 min AMRAP Strict Muscle Ups
rest 3 min
3 sets, AMRAP Unbroken Strict CTB Pull Ups, rest 2 min b/w sets
rest 3 min
3 min AMRAP Toes to Bar
3 sets
15-20 V-Ups controlled reps
12-15 Reverse Hypers
25’ HS Walk

MUs... 3 had it in mind to do 1 every :30 seconds... Failed the first one then made the next 2 before failing 2 more. All in all I was 3/6 and in retro spect I should have warmed up better and taking a more conservative approach. It's surprising how much harder these are when you put on some weight! 

CTB 9,7,7... Ugh...

TTB- 45. 

V ups- 15,15,15 were rough... Tried hard to work on keeping my lower back glued to the ground. But by the end of every set I was arching at my lower back when in my hollow position. 

Hip ext- 15,15,15

HS walks. Never worked on these either. First set was disappointing... More like controlled falling. Last set was 3 sets of 8' walking. 
A. LB Back Squat, build to 1RM, film from side
B. LB Back Squat @ 20X1, 1 x AMRAP @ 85%
Row 10 sec for Peak Wattage, rest 3 min x 3
Row 500 for time:

A) 185, 225, 255, 275, 305, 315

Had never done these before. Felt weird. It was fun to do something different and to finally squat a little heavy. Stopped at 315 because I felt my back really tiring out. I think I can do more with a little practice. Was really trying to activate glutes and fire my hips forward like we practiced on the good mornings.

B) 270x6 bar slipped off my back but I'm not sure I had many more on me tho. 

I also felt like I was starting to straighten out my torso like a high bar. 

C) row 1: 335;
    2) 397
    3) 427

Learning to row for wattage too. 

500m row 1:41. That's a 7 second PR.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Unbroken HSPU ladder
10 min Assault Bike or Air Dyne Max Calories

ladder rough around the set of 7

10 min AD 141  game plan was to go 80% for 8 minutes then all out on the last 2... i def miscalculated 80%...hit 50 cals in 3 minutes then quads started to cramp up soooo badly around 5 minutes in. that one hurt. 
A. CG Bench Press @ 30X1, build to 1RM
B. Front Squat, 2-3 moderately tough x 4, rest 2 min
Unbroken CTB Pull Up ladder

A) 225,  245, 265, 285 (pr), 290(f)

B) 225#, 3, 3, 4, 4 i was really looking forward to squatting for the first time in months... first 2 sets felt really weird and heavier than i expected... took them pretty slow on the way down and tried to move faster on the way up. no pain, just a little tight around my left inner thigh and right low back, but all in all by the last set i felt much better and comfortable. 

ladder, 3:29... came out of the gate too fast trying to beat Rochetti's time lol! had 2 no reps on the set of 8 which really took it out of me mentally. lost my butterfly kip on the set of 9s, finished that set at 2:14 and then decided if i wanted to finish the set of 10s i needed to take a long rest... so i waited till 3 minutes to go. had one no rep on the set of 10 as well... i got high enough, i just could not come in to make contact with the bar. 
A. Front Rack Lunge, build to 50’ max
B1. Good Morning @ 30X1, 2-3 reps x 5, rest 30 sec **video **when you get to bottom position and think about driving up, you look like you’re just leaning back with shoulders to get up.  When you get to bottom, think about stabilizing back and squeezing the butt and hamstrings to drive up.  Note if that feels different
B2. GH Raises @ 50X1, 4-6 reps x 5, rest 2 min  **Hands behind head entire time
D. Torture Twist, 5/side w/ 3 sec hold x 5, rest as needed 
Row 10 min @ Z1

A) 135, 165, 195#  50' ended up between 16-18 steps for me... that set of 195 had me seeing stars on the last 2 steps.

B1) 115, 135, 135, 135, 135

B2) 5, 6, 4, 4, 5

D) done

row Z1... 2209m traps were smoked from last night.
A1. Standing Press, build to 1RM
A2. Wtd Pull up, build to 1RM
**note bodyweight here too
15 rounds @ high effort
2 Muscle Ups
4 HSPU’s
8 KB Swings, 70#
rest 60 sec b/w sets

A1)135, 165, 170 (PR i think)

A2) 159# body weight (back on the weight gain diet) + 63#, 80#, 105# ( I miscounted and though it was 100#)   80#s  105#

metcon  24:06

first 5 rounds were under :38 seconds... next 5 rounds the KBS got tough and i had to break up at 5+3... last 5 rounds my back was super blown up... round 11 and 12 i had to break at 3+3+2 then i skipped the KBS on round 13 and did a few dead bugs to loosen up my back... last 2 rounds were un broken, but super painful. It seems that KBS are still the bane of my CF existence.
W5 (hip/back rehab focus)
A. DB RFE Split Squat @ 30X1, build to 8RM  **video from front
B. Sorenson Hold, 1 x AMSAP **focus on squeezing butt and hamstrings
C. Single Leg Dead Lift @ 30X0, 8/leg x 3, rest 60 sec b/w legs 
D. Front Plank- 10 min accumulated for time:

A)20, 30, 45, 53... the next one up was 70# i think i could have done more than 53, but no way i could have done 70#

B) 1:50 no idea if thats ok or not. hammies were smoked after that tho!

C) 26, 35, 35  felt much stronger with the faster tempo.

D) 13:50 first 4 minutes were no problem... rest of the time was 30 seconds on 15 seconds off... these got tough!!