Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A1. Half Kneeling Single Arm DB Press @ 30X3, 8-10/arm x 4, rest 1 min
A2. 3-Point Single Arm Bent Row @ 30X3, 8-10/arm x 4, rest 1 min
Run 400m @ 80% pace from last week, rest 2 min x 6
Ido Portal Squat Routine 

A1.25#x10, 30x10, 35x10, 35x10 
A2.53#x8 all the way thru... these got TOUGH!

sub row for run curtesy of tropical storm Bill

1. 1:57
2. 1:58
3. 1:57
4. 1:59
5. 1:58
6. 1:56

Ido portal done... plus some extra hip mobility stuff.

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