Monday, August 31, 2015

Saturday- Speed Sq + Snatch DL + Mixed MAP Low Vol
A. Back Squat @ 80%, 1 reps/45 sec for 12 sets*fast as possible down & up
B. Snatch Pull from 2” deficit @ 215# + 30# of chains, 4 x 3, rest 2 min *wear straps
30 min of:
10’ HS Walk
30 sec Wall Facing HS Hold
75m Front Rack Yoke Carry *same weight as last week
50m Walking Good Mornings, 45# bar
15 V-Ups

A. Done at 275
B. Done. Lowering the bar back down was the toughest part because The chains kept getting in the way... Not sure if my set up was the most ideal. 

3 rounds and 10m? Walking GM

Wow. Walking GM killed me. Stepping with my left leg was especially painful, something around my lower left back or upper left glute was super super tight. 

SUNDAY- glutes were so sore, a lot more than usual. Did go for a short swim. 
Friday- UB Int + UB Density + MAP Row
A. Jerk Dip Squats, build to 120% of Jerk max for a set of 3-5 reps
B. Split Jerk, build to 1RM
C. Split Position Press @ 20X2, 4 x 6-8 reps, rest 2 min *note tempo change
5 L-Sit Rope Climbs for time:
Bike 2 min @ hard consistent pace
rest 30 sec

A. 135,185,225,275,315,335

B. 135,185,225,245,260, 275(f), 275(f), 275(f)

It's frustrating missing when you hit a solid looking position. 

C. 95#x 8,8,7,8

Rope climbs

1:45, last rep may have been a little questionable. I was mostly focused on my biceps burning, I may have relaxed the legs at the last couple of pulls. 

AD. 174 cals. 

Friday, August 28, 2015

Thursday- Snatch Int + Density + FSQ/BSQ + Core
Warm Up- 10-12 med ball granny toss, max hip extensions, rest as needed
A. Snatch, build to tough single 
B. Snatch, 1/min for 5 min @ 85% above 
C. FSQ/BSQ, 2/4 reps @ 100% 1RM FSQ x 4, rest 3-4 min  **drop by 2.5% if not successful on any set
D1. Dead Bug w/ legs straight @ 1511, 3 x 5-7/side alternating
D2. Bird Dog @ 1115, 3 x 5-7/side alternating
E. Single Leg Dead Lift w/ 2 KB’s in hand, build to a tough set of 8 *just 1 or 2 sets

A. 135, 165, 195( straps), 215(fail, straps)
Hard to grip with 3 busted fingers, went as far as I could with no hook grip no straps, then added the straps. 195 felt great. My ego got the best of me with 215. Good pull, lazy shoulders and elbows on the catch. 

B. Done at 165#

C. Looked forward to this all day. 

First set of 305 felt great. I attacked the front squats and was pretty explosive.
Set 2 came down hard to get a good bounce and my right calf did not like it. Finished the set trying to squat really controlled, more of a 2022 tempo. Somehow still got it. 
Got buried on set 3 twice so went down to 295 and got it both times, but definitely not explosive and not attacking. Kind of surprised I got them. 

D1. 7,7,6
D2. 7,6,6

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tuesday- UB EMOM w/ Aerobic
30 min EMOM
1st- 5 Back Squat @ 72.5% + Air Bike remaining time
2nd- 4 Strict Deficit HSPU’s **add depth + Air Bike @ 60% remaining time **5” deficit
3rd- 5 Muscle Ups **try to go no false grip + Air Bike @ 60% remaining time
3 sets @ high consistent effort
Row 1000m @ 2:08/500m
rest 1 min
x 3      

First 3 rounds, no problem

Rounds 4-7 I had to break the squats in 3-2, calves were cramping up big time. 

Rounds 8 and 9 and had to break up the MUs into 4-1 and 3-1-1 and only got 4 squats in on both rounds. 

Round 10
Only 4 squats and 4 MUs. As usual ripped the crap out if my left hand on the last MU trying to get all 5 UB. 

Only HSPU went according to plan. 6" deficit. 

4:25 ( glutes and calves were super cramped up.)
Monday- Clean & Jerk Int + Clean Density + FSQ Low Vol + Aerobic/Core
A. Cl & Jerk, build to a tough single, not 1RM
B. Cl&J @ 80% of A, 1/min for 5 min
C FSQ @ 22X1, 3/min for 10 min, 4 @ 190#
20 min @ 75%
Run 400m
10’ Lateral HS Walks against wall both directions
30 Steps Double KB Lunges, 35#/H by side
10 min Ido Portal Beginner Locomotion-
**just practice back bridge for 2-3 minutes instead of the walking, everything else do best you can for 1-2 minutes

A. 245, felt sluggish and tight today. Was kind of glad to hit 245. I feel like that number is my minimum now. 

This is 225

B. Done at 195

C. Done. Tough. 

3 rounds plus 400m jog

Legs felt tired and heavy. 

Monday, August 24, 2015

Saturday- Speed Sq + Snatch DL + Mixed MAP Low Vol
A. Back Squat @ 77.5%, 2 reps/min for 10 min *fast as possible down & up
B. Snatch Pull from 2” deficit @ 235#, 4 x 3, rest 2 min *wear straps
30 min of:
30 sec Wall Facing HS Hold
75m Front Rack Yoke Carry *same weight as last week
50m Death March, 20# DB’s/H
15 V-Ups

A. Done
Minute 6

B. Done. 
Set 2
Sets 3 and 4 felt much better. Faster and more power. Bar felt like it got higher too. 

5+ 25 m death march. Ouch. 
Friday- UB Int + UB Density + MAP Row
A. Jerk Dip Squats, build to 120% of Jerk max for a set of 3-5 reps
B. Split Jerk w/ 3 sec hold in receiving position, build to tough single from blocks
C. Split Position Press @ 30X3, 4 x 8-10 reps, rest 2 min *focus on keeping core tight
30 L-Sit Pull Ups for time: *must keep L down & up full range
Bike 50 sec @ hard consistent pace
rest 10 sec
x 10

A. 185, 225, 275, 315, 335# didn't think I'd get it. But some how I did. 

B. These felt so light after A. 185, 225, 245, 275 missed. Barely. Caught it just a little lower than usual and could not hold that bottom position. I'm close tho. 

C. 75x 10, 75x9, 75x8 75x8

Pull ups 2:40. Smoked a set of 10 then 2 sets of 5. Then had to rest a while. Biceps were feeling the pump a lot and i did not want to red line. Core felt fine till the last 2 set of 2 then my legs felt heavy.

AD. Done 115 cals. Apparently my legs hate lactic acid. They were burning from the get go today.  
Thursday- Snatch Int + Density + FSQ/BSQ + Core
Warm Up- 10-12 med ball granny toss, max hip extensions, rest as needed
A. Snatch, build to tough single **pause 3 sec at knee cap on way up
B. Snatch, 1/min for 5 min @ 90% above *no pause
C. FSQ/BSQ, 2/4 reps @ 95% 1RM FSQ x 4, rest 3-4 min
D1. Dead Bug w/ legs straight @ 1511, 3 x 5-7/side alternating
D2. Bird Dog @ 1115, 3 x 5-7/side alternating
E. Single Leg Dead Lift w/ 2 KB’s in hand, build to a tough set of 8 *just 1 or 2 sets

Could not hook grip due to the rips in my fingers.

A. 136, 155, 175 no hook grip no straps
195 with straps

B. Used 175 and used no hook grip and no straps. Got them all. 

C. Got 3 out if the 4 sets, on the last set I could not get the last front squat in. Got no bounce out if the bottom just got buried. Finished the back squats. 

Set 3

Didn't help that this was at 9:30 pm with no pre workout and kind of hungry :/ long day. 

D1. 7,5,5
D2. 6,5,5

E. 35,44# on both legs. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Tuesday- UB EMOM w/ Aerobic
30 min EMOM
1st- 5 Back Squat @ 70% + Air Bike remaining time
2nd- 3 Strict Deficit HSPU’s **add depth + Air Bike @ 60% remaining time **5” deficit
3rd- 5 Muscle Ups **try to go no false grip + Air Bike @ 60% remaining time
3 sets @ high consistent effort
Row 1000m @ 2:01/500m
rest 1 min
x 3    

Started out strong. Used a 6.5" deficient for HSPU wich were all pretty strong. 
Squats got really rough around set 6 but got thru only breaking once. 
MU were fine thru 7 rounds, round 8 I broke 4+1, round 9 I broke at 3 but it was because I ripped the crap out of my middle and ring finger callouses. At least it's obvious I was not false gripping. But it's just so humid right now at the box that it is practically impossible to not rip. 

Row was by far my weakest movement today. 
4:15, 4:17, 4:15

Legs and pulling muscles felt toasted. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Monday- Clean & Jerk Int + Clean Density + FSQ Low Vol + Aerobic/Core
A. Cl & Jerk, build to a tough single, not 1RM
B. Cl&J, build to a tough double TNG
C FSQ @ 22X1, 3/min for 8 min, 4 @ 185#, 4 @ 195#
20 min @ 75%
Run 400m
10’ HS Walks
20 Steps Double KB Front Rack Lunges, 35#/H
10 min Ido Portal Beginner Locomotion-

A. 135, 165, 185, 225, 245
Forgot to hit the record button on my phone. But the 245 felt solid this time. I was even told that it looked better than last week. 

B. 135, 165, 185, 205
205 was power clean power jerk, squat clean split jerk. The hardest part was bringing the bar back down. 

C. Done

4 rounds plus 10' HS walk. 

Ido portal... No chance at the bridge walk. I can barely get into the bridge position. Everything else was ok. 

Something from yesterday made my hip flexors really sore. 
Saturday- Speed Sq + Snatch DL + Mixed MAP Low Vol
A. Back Squat @ 75%, 2 reps/min for 10 min *fast as possible down & up
B. Snatch Pull from 2” deficit @ 225#, 4 x 3, rest 2 min *wear straps
30 min of:
50m Double KB OH Carry, 26#/h
50m Farmer’s Carry, 53#/h
50m Front Rack Yoke Carry, moderate
3 Wall Walks
30 sec Hollow Hold

A. Done. First couple rounds were not very explosive as I was tentative to hit the hole hard but as I got more comfortable they became faster. I noticed again I am leaning towards my left leg. 

B. Done. 

7 rounds done

On the over head walks I has a really hard time keeping my elbows locked. 

Yoke. That got rough after round 3. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Friday- UB Int + UB Density + MAP Row
A. Behind Neck Split Jerk w/ 3 sec hold in receiving position, build to tough single from blocks
B. Split Position Press @ 30X3, 4 x 8-10 reps, rest 2 min *focus on keeping core tight
10 Legless Rope Climbs for time:
Bike 45 sec @ hard consistent pace
rest 15 sec

Legs were super sore from last night squats. 

A. 165, 185, 225, 255. The 255 was arguably my best jerk of the night. Think recovered a little too quick tho. Felt good tho. 

B. 75x 8, 75x8, 75x8, 85x 8. Much tougher than I imagine. My back leg hip flexor was screaming towards the end. 

Rope climbs. 7 minutes. 

First 6 rope climbs took me 2:30, then my biceps started to go. By the last one my grip was ok... But my biceps felt super swollen. My biceps don't like all the extra weight I have gained lol! 

AD, done 128 cals, ouch. 
Thursday- Snatch Int + Density + FSQ/BSQ + Core
Warm Up- 10-12 med ball granny toss, max hip extensions, rest as needed
A. Snatch Pull + Snatch, build to max set
B. Snatch, 1/min for 5 min @ 90% above
C. FSQ/BSQ, 3/6 reps @ 90% 1RM FSQ x 4, rest 3-4 min
D1. Dead Bug w/ legs straight @ 1511, 3 x 5-7/side alternating
D2. Bird Dog @ 1115, 3 x 5-7/side alternating

A. 185#. Timing was off on my snatch. 
B. 165# no fails. 
C. These felt super heavy today, I had no pain on my back or hips, but squatting felt slow and heavy. First round were 3 front squat singles and 3x2 back squats.... Last 2 sets were much stronger 3/6.

I did notice that my right hammie was not firing properly. I was leaning way to the left and was having a hard time driving my right knee back, or extending, the result was that I was on my right toe and leaning to my left a lot. 

D1) done
D2) done

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Tuesday- UB EMOM w/ Aerobic
30 min EMOM
1st- 5 Back Squat @ 75% + Air Bike remaining time
2nd- 3 Strict Deficit HSPU’s **add depth + Air Bike @ 60% remaining time **5” deficit
3rd- 5 Muscle Ups **try to go no false grip + Air Bike @ 60% remaining time
3 sets @ high consistent effort
Row 1000m @ 2:01/500m
rest 1 min
x 3     

Back was painfully tight all day. Had a hard time just bending over to put on shoes or pick stuff up off the ground. Took the day off from the workout and spent a full  hour and a half just hammering away with a lacross ball and everything I could find from K-star. Hoping by Thursday I am back to 100% ready. 
Monday- Clean & Jerk Int + Clean Density + FSQ Low Vol + Aerobic/Core
A. Cl & Jerk, build to a tough double, not TnG
B. Cl&J, build to a tough triple TNG
C FSQ @ 22X1, 3/min for 6 min @ 185-205#
20 min @ 75%
Run 400m
2 TGU/arm
10 Table Rocks

A. 165, 185, 205, 225, 245

Lifts felt ok, but as soon as I undid my belt I felt my low back really tighten up. 

B. 165, had to stop there because my low back was beginng to hurt. 

C. Done at 185. 

3+ 1 TGU 

Monday, August 10, 2015

Saturday- Speed Sq + Snatch DL + Mixed MAP Low Vol
A. Back Squat @ 70%, 2 reps/min for 10 min *fast as possible down & up
B. Snatch Pull + 2 Snatch Dead Lift @ 225#, 4 sets, rest 2 min
3 sets @ high consistent effort
Row 500m
100’ Double KB Front Rack Carry, 53#
10 Box Jumps, 30”
10’ HS Walk
rest 2 min b/w sets

A. At 240 done

B. Done. 


Friday- UB Int + UB Density + MAP Row
A1. Behind Neck Split Jerk w/ 3 sec hold in receiving position, build to tough triple from blocks
A2. L-Sit Pull Ups @ 30X1, 4 x 4-6, rest 2 min
5 rounds for time:
5 Push Press, 175#
1 Legless Rope Climb
Bike 30 sec @ hard consistent pace
rest 15 sec
x 10

A. 135, 165, 195, 215, 235. Attempted 275 for a single... Oh so close. 

B. 4x4... Pulling felt fine, abs were sore! 

Metcon 7:36

AD done. 
Thursday- Snatch Int + Density + FSQ/BSQ + Core
Warm Up- 10-12 med ball granny toss, max hip extensions, rest as needed
A. Power Snatch + Snatch, build to max set
B. Power Snatch + Snatch, 1/min for 5 min @ 90% above
C. FSQ/BSQ, 3/6 reps @ 85% 1RM FSQ x 4, rest 2-3 min
D. Dragon Flags, 5 x 4-5 reps, rest as needed

A. 135,155,165,170F, 170 made

That's the failed. 

B. 155 done. 

C. 260 done. Awful. 

D. 4,4,4,4,4. Abs were still super sore from the sit ups Monday :/

Thursday, August 6, 2015


Delayed flight, did not make it back in time to workout. 

Dropped in at cf 5th avenue with my girlfriend. 

Power clean+ hang clean+ push jerk at 65% of power clean (I used 155#)

7 thrusters (95#)
21 sit ups

2 minute rest

21 v ups
7 hang power cleans

4+ 3 sit ups
3 rounds even

The v ups crushed me, abs and hammies were sore for two days after this. But the 5 mile walks everyday up and down stairs might have had something to do with it too. 
Saturday- Speed Sq + Snatch DL + Mixed MAP Low Vol
A. DB Thrusters, build to a tough 10
B. DB Snatch, build to a tough 10/arm unbroken
3 sets @ high consistent effort
Run 400m
25 Burpees
75 Double Unders
rest 2 min b/w sets

Only had upto 40# worth of DB at the hotel. So A and B were both 40#.

No treadmill only elliptical... So that's what I did for 400m. DUs were hard to do in carpet so I ended up breakingr a lot. Just tried to go slow and jump really high so the rope wouldn't hit the ground. 
Thursday- Snatch Int + Density + FSQ/BSQ + Core
A. Snatch, build to tough single, 1RM if feeling it
B. Snatch, 1/min for 5 min @ 90% above
C. FSQ/BSQ, 4/8 reps @ 80% 1RM FSQ x 4, rest 2-3 min
D. Dragon Flags, 5 x 4-5 reps, rest as needed

A. 165, 175,185,195 (20# under my pr)

B. Done at 175

C. Done at 245

D. 4,4,4,4,3