Monday, August 17, 2015

Thursday- Snatch Int + Density + FSQ/BSQ + Core
Warm Up- 10-12 med ball granny toss, max hip extensions, rest as needed
A. Snatch Pull + Snatch, build to max set
B. Snatch, 1/min for 5 min @ 90% above
C. FSQ/BSQ, 3/6 reps @ 90% 1RM FSQ x 4, rest 3-4 min
D1. Dead Bug w/ legs straight @ 1511, 3 x 5-7/side alternating
D2. Bird Dog @ 1115, 3 x 5-7/side alternating

A. 185#. Timing was off on my snatch. 
B. 165# no fails. 
C. These felt super heavy today, I had no pain on my back or hips, but squatting felt slow and heavy. First round were 3 front squat singles and 3x2 back squats.... Last 2 sets were much stronger 3/6.

I did notice that my right hammie was not firing properly. I was leaning way to the left and was having a hard time driving my right knee back, or extending, the result was that I was on my right toe and leaning to my left a lot. 

D1) done
D2) done

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