Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Tuesday- Open Tester + MAP Cyclical
21 CTB Pull Ups
18 Thrusters, 95#
15 Bar-Facing Burpees
12 Thrusters, 95#
9 CTB Pull Ups
rest as needed
Row 30 sec @ 90%
Rest 30 sec
x 12  

Switched the thrusters to box jumps 30" box to save my wrist. Going to the chiro today. 
3:20 minutes
 Row, done. 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday- Oly Int + Sq Vol + CP Battery Tester
A. Hang Snatch, build to a tough single
B. Power Clean, build to a tough 2 TnG
C. Back Squat @ 20X1, 3 sets of 5 reps @ 2-5%ish more than last week, no more than 1 sec pause at the top
Muscle Ups
Squat Snatch, 135#

A) 185, got greedy and went for 200, but not there today. 
B) 195, stopped at the first sign of wrist discomfort, made an appointment with a chiro for wednesday to help clean that up. till then advil it is. 
C) 210, felt fine... breathing got really heavy tho but legs felt ok.


7:49 first time doing Amanda RX. MUs went 5+4, 4+3, UB5, singles in all snatches

was really trying to keep my breathing under control for midline stability during the snatches. did not happen, not sure if it was because its my first met con in a while or residue from my sickness, but i was out of breath by the time i finished my first 9 MUs and those snatches felt rougher than any 135 snatch should ever feel because of it. 
Saturday- Oly Touch + LE
A. Power Snatch, 2RM TnG
B. Squat Clean, tough single depending on wrist
C. Push Jerk, build to a single from blocks
3 sets @ 97%
15 Burpees to 6” target
15 KB Swings, 70#
250m Row
15 KB Swings, 70#
15 Burpees to 6” target
rest 10 min b/w pieces

A) 165 (did stop at the hip to re set my hook grip tho... not sure if thats fair or not)
B) 255, worked quick up to 255, then got a little carried away and attempted 270... close, but not there.
C) here is where i felt the tendonitis on my wrist. trying to get all my fingers under the bar in the front rack is what really hurts. since i release the bar when i clean i didn't feel it. but i could not close grip the bar without pain.

not METCON, still wheezing from my infection. 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday- Finally starting to feel better and went to work but walking from my car to my apt door still makes me feel out of breath... more like i can't get enough airing my body. was so tired after work i went to take a nap at 5:15 and didn't wake up till almost 9.

 Gona wake up early tomorrow and try to get at least some of the workout in tho. i feel like i need to get my body under some kind of a load.
thursday- Feeling like death still.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

wednesday- still sick. throat feels a lot better, but i still have a hard time breathing and my sinuses are super congested.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday- Throat infection, no workout
Monday- throat infection,

Monday, February 16, 2015

Sunday... got suckered into helping test the woods for our inter box competition in a couple of weeks. nothing super intense, wrist still hurts tho.
Saturday- Oly Touch + LE
A. Power Snatch, 3RM TnG
B. Squat Clean Cluster, 1.1, build to tough set
C. Push Jerk, build to a 3RM TnG at the shoulder
@ 97%
30 thrusters, 115#
rest 10 min
@ 97%
25 Burpees
25 sec Row Sprint
rest 10 min
@ 97%
10 CTB Pull Up
10 Ground to OH, 95#
10 Toes to Bar
10 Ground to OH, 95#
10 CTB Pull Ups

A) 155
B) 245, finally got something i'm pleased with.
C)165... did not lower the last one down right and my left wrist started hurting really really bad so i stopped there. 

2:11, hit 15 UB and i though i was going at an easy pace till i dropped the bar, then my heart rate just exploded. also i could barely hold a front rack position with my left wrist hurting so bad.

:58 on the burpees, 123m row



UB CTB on first round, and snatches and TTB
tried to C&J  and felt like my wrist was going to break, so i snatched the rest but broke a couple times.
broke last CTB at 6.

wrist only hurts when in the front rack position and its really towards the outside of my wrist.. right under my pinky and ring finger... its weird, but when my wrist leans back it is just super painful.

Friday- MAP High Effort Varied
3 sets @ high effort
15 CTB Pull Ups Unbroken
30 Box Jump Overs, 30"
rest 2 min b/w sets
3 sets @ high effort
15 Toes to Bar
25 Burpees to 6” target
rest 90 sec b/w sets
3 sets @ high effort
Row 400m
10ft HS Walk
30 Wall Ball, 20#
10ft HS Walk
rest 3 min b/w sets


TTB Burpees

wheels fell off on the last one, left should felt super fatigued on the burpees pushing back up.

never done a HS walk before... tried it on the first round and could not even kick up to a free standing HS. did 3x400 rows and wall balls, plus practiced my hand stands off the wall... shoulders were super on fire tho.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

hursday- Bending Int + SL Int + CP Pull/Press End + Core/Aerobic
A. 2” Deficit Dead Lift, build to a TnG 3, not 3RM
B. Front Rack Reverse Lunge, 8-6-5/leg alternating x 3, rest 2 min
C1. CTB Pull Up, max reps (-3) x 5, rest 30 sec
C2. Kipping HSPU, max unbroken (-3) x 5, rest 2 min **go to failure on strict then straight into kipping
D. Turkish Get Up, 10 min AMRAP alternating arms, 53#
10 min easy run

lower back and calves were still really tight from 14.1

A) 205, 255, 285 (clean trip), 305 switch grip. back said this was enough for today.
B) 135, 155, 165 
C1) 20, 12, 12, 11, 10
C2) 11+11, 10+7, 8+5, 9+10, 6+8

BOOM! something clicked... i'm not saying that everything was peachy... i still had to lower myself nice and slow on the left side, but the difference was absolutely no fails!

subbed 10 min AD, calves were way too tight to go for a run tonight. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tuesday- Open Tester + MAP Cyclical
10 min AMRAP
15 Power Snatch, 75#
30 Double Unders
rest as needed
Row 30 sec @ 90%
Rest 30 sec
x 12 

I was really really sore legs all day from last night... i did not sleep well so that might have been it. i knew it would be a girder. 

14.1) 234... better than last years 229, but felt rough... first 2 rounds were not a problem, UB snatches for both and only broke the second set of DUs at 20+10, then things got a little tougher, my lower back really tightened up badly on round 3... i hit 8 snatches then broke but picked it back up immediately with 7 C&J (last year i did mostly C&J)and my back was screaming at me. By the time i got back to the DUs i was really breathing hard... and i am terrible at DUs when my breathing is racing. Rounds 3 and 4 my DUs were terrible... absolutely terrible. busted up my rope on round 5 so i finished up borrowing my girlfriends rope. I was hoping for a better show and more improvement on my DUs. oh well... can't win at everything. small improvements i guess.

Row) done... but wow my back was SUPER tight.
Monday- Oly Int + Sq Vol + CP Battery Tester
A. Hang Snatch, build to a tough double, **drop each from the top
B. Power Clean, build to a tough 3 TnG
C. Back Squat @ 20X1, 3 sets of 7 reps @ 2-5%ish more than last week, no more than 1 sec pause at the top
5 sets for time:
3 Over Head Squat, 165#
5 Muscle Ups
7 Burpee Box Jumps, 30"

A) 75, 105, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185... was kind of impressed... i thought about strapping up and going for 200 just to see... but thought better of it.

B) 135, 165, 195, 205X2... at least i got all three at 195 this time... but my grip just could not handle more than 2 at 205.

C) 200 for all three sets felt ok.


13:43  first and last set of MU UB, middle 3 sets i broke at 3+2. then tried to pace the BBJ so i wouldn't be huffing and puffing with no mid line during the OHS. Yet i was still breathing hard during the OHS lol! yet i managed to no fail any of them. this one was tougher for me than the last couple weeks worth of battery testers.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Saturday- Oly Touch + LE
A. Power Snatch, 3 TnG/min for 10 min @ 115#
B. Squat Clean Cluster, 1.1.1, build to tough set
C. Push Press, build to a 5RM
3 sets @ 97%
9 Bar-Facing Burpees
15 Ground to OH, 95#
9 Bar-Facing Burpees
12 Ground to OH, 95#
9 Bar-Facing Burpees
rest 9 min b/w sets

A) done

B) 135, 165, 195, 215, 240x1 pulls felt slow and everything felt so heavy... except that one 240, the only one i got i smoked... then the next 2 attempt were so slow and heavy so i stopped there. 

C) 75, 115, 145, 180, 205x1 smoked the 180, got a little too confident... hit 205 then the bar slipped off my shoulders on the way down... i may have had 3... 5 was probably not going to happen. 


3:36, 3:34, 3:54

round 1 snatched the first 8 UB the switched to c&j UB. second set were all fast doubles an single c&presses
round 2 were UB C&J for set 1 and fast 2s and 3s on set 2.
round 3 had to break at 8 on set 1, the set 2 which i wanted as fast as possible, the wheels fell off... ended up breaking at 7 then 12.

If it makes Rochetti feel better about me not letting him know about his pull ups i also did both sets of 15 ground to OH... not 15 and 12. yikes....
Friday- MAP High Effort Varied
3 sets @ high effort
20 CTB Pull Ups
25 Wall Ball, 20#
rest 2 min b/w sets
3 sets @ high effort
15 Toes to Bar
25 Box Jump Overs, 24”
rest 90 sec b/w sets
3 sets @ high effort
Row 400m
15 Ring Dips
21 Burpees to 6” target
rest 3 min b/w sets

Had a couple of our best athletes at the box do this one with me after class. Didn't think about recording the individual rounds till after we were done.

A) 9:16 including rest time. Last round was the toughest one of all the workouts. Had to break way too much. 

B)7:39 including rest time. All of those hurt. Lol! 

C)15:52 including rest time.
All dips strict and UB fast. And the burpees was a mental grind but I kept them fast (did not want to lose to those big guys at burpees!) the row I was around 2:00 on the first round, 1:55 on the second, then the wheels fell off the third... 2:07. 
Thursday- Bending Int + SL Int + CP Pull/Press End + Core/Aerobic
A. Dead Lift, build to a TnG 3, not 3RM
B. Front Rack Reverse Lunge, 8-8-8/leg alternating x 3, rest 2 min
C1. CTB Pull Up, max reps (-3) x 5, rest 30 sec
C2. Kipping HSPU, max unbroken (-3) x 5, rest 2 min **go to failure on strict then straight into kipping
D. Turkish Get Up, 10 min AMRAP alternating arms, 53#

A) 185, 225, 255, 285, 315 stopped there. That felt rough and slow... and could feel my back starting to give. Not my best pulling day and did not want to risk an injury. 

B)135, 145, 155 those take a lot out me. 

C1) 16, 9, 12, 8, 7
C2)12+9, 9+7, 7+8, 5+5, 5+5

CTB felt ok on the first round, then I felt something get really tight on my left shoulder so I started stopping 1-2 reps before failure. 


Got in a better groove than last time. Just had a hard time stabilizing my left arm on the last one. Failed it once then re did it. 
Hoping it's just a knot or maybe I just slept on it wrong. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Tuesday- Open Tester + MAP Cyclical
20 min AMRAP
5 Power Clean, 145#
10 Toes to Bar
15 Wall Ball, 20#-10"
rest as needed
Row 30 sec @ 90%
Rest 30 sec
x 10  


That one hurt. Breathing was tough. Again my struggle was toes to bar, could not keep moving... Had to break them way more often than I thought I should have. 

Row done.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Monday- Oly Int + Sq Vol + CP Battery Tester
A. Hang Snatch, build to a tough triple, **drop each from the top
B. Power Clean, build to a tough 5 TnG
C. Back Squat @ 20X1, 3 sets of 8 reps @ 5%ish more than last week, no more than 1 sec pause at the top
5 sets for time:
5 Power Snatch, 135#
5 Wtd Pull Ups, 53#
5 Box Jumps, 30"

Leg felt much better today just sore still

A) 105, 135, 145, 155, 165 grip was starting to falter, bar was going out infront. Used straps for 175 and smoked those. Just to get to some heavier weights. 

B) 135, 165, 175, 185. Grip went out. Really wish I had bigger hands. Lol!

C) 195, 195, 195.... A little spicier than last week.

Was actually a lot of fun. The pull ups got tough after the first round. 
Saturday- Oly Touch + LE
A. Power Snatch, 2 TnG/min for 10 min @ 115#
B. Squat Clean Cluster, 1.1, build to tough set
C. Push Press, build to a 5RM
3 sets @ 97%
9 Bar-Facing Burpees
15 Ground to OH, 95#
9 Bar-Facing Burpees
12 Ground to OH, 95#
9 Bar-Facing Burpees
rest 9 min b/w sets

A) Done
B) 235... Attempted 250, got it high enough but got pushed backwards by the bar, fell into the jerk blocks behind me and caught a corner into my right leg... Charlie horses the rest of the day... Nice bruise too. Called it here. Leg hurt a lot!