Wednesday, August 31, 2016

15 min easy pace
Run 200m
30 sec Passive Hang from Rings
30 sec HS Hold
30 sec Hollow Hold
A1. Single Arm Push Press @ 20X1, 4 x 2-3 reps, rest 20-30 sec b/w sides
A2. Clapping Push Ups, 4 x 6-8, rest 30 sec **focus on max power off ground
A3. Supinated Grip Pendlay Row @ 20X1, 4 x 6 reps, rest 90 sec
3 sets @ high consistent effort, mix and match order
Row 40 Cals
20 Alt DB Snatch, 55#
7 Muscle Ups
15 Wallball, 20#
Rest 3 min b/w sets


At home with food poisoning. This is why I don't like lunch meetings at work...
Hip Flexor stretch
Glute activation work
A. Lowe High Hang Snatch (below knee) w/ 2 sec pause in catch position, build to 1RM in 12 min
B. Squat Snatch, 1/60 sec @ 85-95% of A for 8 reps
C. Deadlift @ 245#, 15 TnG, 10, 10, 10, rest 3 min b/w sets
Bike 3 min @ 6 min TT pace **hold it through this week
2:30 min @ 50%
X 3

A. 185
B. 165
C done

Missed every single round. No idea how I kept that pace for 6 mins
Goal 39.2kph
1) 38.8
2) 37.9
3) 36.9

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

A. Front Squat @ 20X2, 4 x 3 reps, rest as needed **heavy as possible
B. Power Clean & Push Jerk, build to tough single
C. Power Clean & Jerk, 1/45 sec for 8 reps @ 75-90% of B
5 rounds on a 3 min Running Clock
7 Toes to Bar
7 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24”
10 Cal Bike
Rest remaining time of 3 min

A. 255. All 4 sets. Last 2 set were a rough grind.

B. 195, took it easy because my wrists felt tender.
C. 165. Lots of grinding in my right wrist. Thinking of going back for a follow up appointment.

A1. Push Press @ 20X1, 4 x 3, rest 90 sec **focus on keeping rib cage locked down during lockout
A2. Strict Lean Away Pull Ups @ 20X5, 4 x 5-6, rest 90 sec
14 min EMOM
1st- 8 Kipping HSPU’s at deficit, as much as possible
2nd- 1 Rope Climb Legless + 1 Rope Climb
4 x (6 x Row 40 sec @ 2k pace -3 sec, rest 20 sec), rest 90 sec b/w sets

A1. 135; right wrist was not feeling right today. But got thru these
A2. 4+1 all the way. These feel so tough for some reason.

HSPU started with no deficit to test and felt fine. Added a plate roughly 4" after round 4

Rope climbs- these really bothered my wrist a lot going leg less, after round 3 I used legs for both climbs. Barely made it by the time the minute ended.


Crushed. Legs were so sore from the squats. Missed my pace on 7 out of the 24 rounds including the last 3 in a row

W5- triphasic
Movement Activation Warm Up
Kossack Squats
Dead Bugs
Bird Dogs
Crossover Box Step Ups
A. Snatch, tough single, not TnG, heavy set for day in 12 min
B. Squat Snatch, 1/min for 60 sec for 15 reps @ 80-95% of A
C. Back Squat @ 20X1, 4 x 3 reps, rest 2-3 min **start @ 205# or more
4 x 15 TnG Power Clean to OH, start @ 115# and build off feel but ensure good turnover and technique, rest as needed **Just power cleans if wrist is still off
5 min Bike cool down

A. 195
B. Used 165, started off fine, wrists were tender by the end of it tho
C. 205,205,225,225... I probably should have listened to the BS with Cal Dietz before this workout... I kept it light but moved the bar as quickly and explosively as I could. Literally trying to jump... I was wrecked for 3 days. Lol!

Did not get 15 unbroken even once. Wrist felt ok tho.
11+4, 10+5, 11+4, 11+4

Thru 7 I felt fine, then it was a metabolic grind.

Bike done

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

15 min easy pace
Run 200m
30 sec Passive Hang from Rings
30 sec HS Hold
30 sec Hollow Hold
A1. Single Arm Push Press @ 20X2, 4 x 3-4 reps, rest 20-30 sec b/w sides
A2. Supinated Grip Pendlay Row @ 20X1, 4 x 6 reps, rest 90 sec
3 sets @ high consistent effort, mix and match order
Row 40 Cals
20 Russian Kb Swings, 70#
7 Muscle Ups
12 Burpee Box Jumps, 24”
Rest 3 min b/w sets

Warm up done. 4 rounds
A1, 2sets at 50# x4; 2 sets at 70#x3 the 70# were pretty tough.
A2. 115, 125, 135, 135

1) 5:45
2) 6:05
3) 6:23

Some of the ugliest MUs I've done in a long time. I was catching every one of them deep in the hole, the dip was never a problem tho, just ugly transitions.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Hip Flexor stretch
Glute activation work
A. High Hang Snatch w/ 2 sec pause in catch position, build to 1RM in 12 min
B. Squat Snatch, 1/60 sec @ 85-95% of A for 8 reps
C. Deadlift @ 235#, 20 TnG, 10, 10, 10, rest 3 min b/w sets
Bike 3 min @ 6 min TT pace **don’t go out to hot on first one
2:30 min @ 50%
X 3

A. 165
B 145 done
C. Went for some C&J... Dropped my warm up set on my left ear/ side of my face... Gave myself a nice bruise and cauliflower ear... Decided that was my que to stop. Bar just slipped out of my finger as I drove up, ended up pushing it against my face. SMH. Some days I wonder why.

Bike. Done

Round 1 solid on pace
Round 2 solid on pace
Round 3... Better? Lol! Minute 1 was around 38.8-39.7 kph goal is 39.2
Minute 2 crushed me. I was around 37.0 just couldn't really get it going.
Minute 3 I stood off the seat and used my weight to help get the pedals going and got it back up to 39.2- 39.8. Not sure if that's cheating or not. Lol!
A. Front Squat @ 17X2, 4 x 3 reps, rest as needed
B. Power Clean & Push Jerk, build to tough single
C. Power Clean & Jerk, 1/45 sec for 8 reps @ 75-90% of B
5 rounds on a 4 min Running Clock
9 Power Snatch @ 75#
15 Wallball, 20#
200m Run
Rest remaining time of 4 min

A. 135, 165, 165, 165, did not keep my left hand under the bar.

B, 235# 20,10,10,10 done. This was tough.

5 rounds
1) 2:00
2) 2:01
3) 2:01
4) 2:17
5) 2:34

UB everything for 3 rounds round 4 broke the WB into three sets
Round 5 was going for UB WB but had a face ball on 13.
A1. Push Press @ 20X6, 4 x 3, rest 90 sec **focus on keeping rib cage locked down during lockout
A2. Strict Lean Away Pull Ups @ 20X5, 4 x 5-6, rest 90 sec
14 min EMOM
1st- 8 Kipping HSPU’s at deficit, as much as possible
2nd- 1 Rope Climb Legless + 1 Rope Climb
4 x (6 x Row 35 sec @ 2k pace -3 sec, rest 25 sec), rest 90 sec b/w sets

Really under estimated how beat up my forearm was from the treatment yesterday. I can't grip anything with my left hand.

A. Kept it light 45#, still could feel the bones in my hand grinding a bit.
A2. 4x5 but in singles. Just hard to grip.

Ring push ups
I did 4 sets with leg less, then with legs.

Row done no misses.
W4- triphasic
Movement Activation Warm Up
Kossack Squats
Dead Bugs
Bird Dogs
Crossover Box Step Ups
A. Snatch, tough double, not TnG, heavy set for day in 12 min
B. Squat Snatch, 1/min for 60 sec for 15 reps @ 80-95% of A
C. Back Squat @ 27X1, 4 x 3 reps, rest 2-3 min **start @ 175#
3 x 15 TnG Power Clean to OH, start @ 115# and build off feel but ensure good turnover and technique, rest as needed
5 min Bike cool down

Went with Plan B
A, snatch pulls with straps at 225,235,225... 225 had a good pop and solid pull, 235 felt slow so I went back down.

B. Snatch DL at 225 with no straps, all TnG
C. 175, 195, 205, 210

80# KBS done
Bike done

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

15 min easy pace
Run 200m
30 sec Passive Hang from Rings
30 sec HS Hold
30 sec Hollow Hold
A1. Single Arm Push Press @ 20X2, 4 x 4-5 reps, rest 20-30 sec b/w sides
A2. Supinated Grip Pendlay Row @ 20X1, 4 x 10 reps, rest 90 sec
3 sets @ high consistent effort
Row 40 Cals
20 Thrusters, 45#
20 Pull Ups (10-5-5)
40 Double Unders
5 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24”
Rest 3 min b/w sets

15 min done. 4 rounds plus the run

A1. 45# done. These didn't bother my wrist as much. The internal rotation for some reason makes it more bearable.

A2. 115. Done.

1) 5:21 UB thrusters and broke the DUs twice
2) 6:02 UB Thrusters and DUs only once. I also got off the rower faster not sure where I lost time. I think may be I moved slower on the thrusters? Rested longer bn pull ups? Not sure.
3) 6:38. Pushed the rower to maintain pace with rounds 1 and 2, broke the thrusters into 10,5,5, DUs broke twice.

Found the suck on the last one. Lol! That one got my stomach feeling weak.
Hip Flexor stretch
Glute activation work
A. Snatch Balance w/ 2 sec pause in catch position, build to 1RM in 12 min
B. Squat Snatch, 1/60 sec @ 85-95% of A for 8 reps
C. Deadlift @ 225#, 20 TnG, 10, 10, 10, rest 3 min b/w sets
Bike 3 min @ 6 min TT pace
3:00 min @ 50%
X 3

A. 195, had a hard time with these today. Bar kept creeping forward or I was dropping backwards and leaving the bar. Either way I know I got more.

B. 175 done. Receiving the bar still hurt. Made an appointment for Friday. Got all them done tho. No misses.

C. Done. Getting spicy!!

Crushed the first one probably too fast.
Grinded the second one at the exact target pace
Got crushed. First 1 min I was solid then the next 90 seconds were super tough. Hammies were cramping and legs felt done. Finished with a "sprint" effort for the last 30 seconds but it wasn't enough to get me up to the target.
A. Front Squat @ 17X2, 4 x 4 reps, rest as needed
B. Power Clean & Push Jerk, build to 2RM
C. Power Clean & Jerk, 1/45 sec for 8 reps @ 80-90% of B
For time:
3 rounds
75 Double Unders
10 Clean & Jerk, 115# (singles)
5 Burpee Box Jumps, 30

DNF. Had to judge a comp today. Then thought an extra day of rest might do my wrist good. If Monday my wrist is still hurting I'm making an appointment with my chiro.
A1. Push Press @ 20X6, 4 x 4, rest 90 sec **focus on keeping rib cage locked down during lockout
A2. Strict Lean Away Pull Ups @ 20X5, 4 x 5-6, rest 90 sec
12 min EMOM
1st- 8 Kipping HSPU’s at deficit, as much as possible
2nd- 1 Rope Climb Legless + 1 Rope Climb
4 x (6 x Row 30 sec @ 2k pace -3 sec, rest 30 sec), rest 90 sec b/w sets

A1. 75# and even that was bugging my wrist.
A2. These were much tougher than I expected. Could only get 4 UB then finished the 5th rep.

EMOM. Done. Used paralletes for the HSPU and a pad so my hands wouldn't end up past my shoulders. Probably around 10+ inches deep. But the paralletes bothered my wrist less than open hand on the plates.

Row done. Only missed 3 targets, and 2 of them were cause I was distracted and started a second or two late.
W3- triphasic
Movement Activation Warm Up
Kossack Squats
Dead Bugs
Bird Dogs
Crossover Box Step Ups
A. Power Snatch + Snatch, not TnG, heavy set for day in 12 min
B. Squat Snatch, 1/min for 60 sec for 15 reps @ 80-95% of A
C. Back Squat @ 27X1, 4 x 3 reps, rest 2-3 min **start @ 165#
5 x 10 TnG Power Clean to OH, start @ 95# and build off feel but ensure good turnover and technique, rest as needed
5 min Bike cool down

A. 165#. Power snatch was the limiting factor. Just wasn't pulling up high enough.
B. 155# done. Receiving the bar felt painful on my left wrist
C. 165, 175, 185, 195. Felt like I needed to make up a bit for my terrible snatching performance. So I push the weight here.

95, 105, 105. Done. My wrist couldn't take going over head anymore. Pain was just getting worse and worse with each set.

5 min AD done