Monday, February 9, 2015

Friday- MAP High Effort Varied
3 sets @ high effort
20 CTB Pull Ups
25 Wall Ball, 20#
rest 2 min b/w sets
3 sets @ high effort
15 Toes to Bar
25 Box Jump Overs, 24”
rest 90 sec b/w sets
3 sets @ high effort
Row 400m
15 Ring Dips
21 Burpees to 6” target
rest 3 min b/w sets

Had a couple of our best athletes at the box do this one with me after class. Didn't think about recording the individual rounds till after we were done.

A) 9:16 including rest time. Last round was the toughest one of all the workouts. Had to break way too much. 

B)7:39 including rest time. All of those hurt. Lol! 

C)15:52 including rest time.
All dips strict and UB fast. And the burpees was a mental grind but I kept them fast (did not want to lose to those big guys at burpees!) the row I was around 2:00 on the first round, 1:55 on the second, then the wheels fell off the third... 2:07. 

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