15 min easy pace
Run 200m
30 sec Passive Hang from Rings
30 sec HS Hold
30 sec Hollow Hold
Forearms warm up
3 sets
10 controlled PVC Rotations
10 Flexion/Extensions w/ 2.5# plate
10 Side to Side w/ 2.5# plate
10 min @ aerobic effort
Run 200m
15 DB Thrusters, 45#/H
10 GH Sit Ups”
Rest 5 min
10 min @ aerobic effort
10 Burpee Box Jumps, 24”
15 Russian KB Swings
Rest 5 min
10 min @ aerobic effort
50 Double Unders
10 Front Squats, 135#
5 Muscle UpsWarm up
Done 5 rounds.
Fore arm prep done. Actually a little tight and sore today. Weird.
Metcon 1
3 rounds +50 meters
Metcon 2
6 rounds
Metcon 3
3 rounds +27 DUs
Legs were really really sore, could not have really pushed the speed much, just kept it at a consistent aerobic pace thru out.