Tuesday- Speed LB + Row/Bike w/ LB Muscle Endurance
A. Hurdle Hops, 3 x 3 hops, rest as needed **set PVC hanging off 3 different 24” boxes and jump and land on two feet
B. Front Squat w/ Chains, 3/min for 9 min @ 65% + chains
C. Deadlift w/ bnds, 1/20 sec for 15 reps @ 65% + bands
**B and C focus on moving bar as fast as possible
2 sets
Row 1000m @ 5k Pace
Rest 15 sec
10 Double DB RDL’s @ 3030 tempo with 35-45#/H
Rest 60 sec
Bike 50 Cals
Rest 15 sec
10 Double KB Front Rack Squats @ 3030 tempo **25# KB’s/arm
Rest 2 min
A. Done
B. 210+ 58# chains first 3 rounds were super tough. Got better they the middle few rounds.
C. DL 265
12:34 round 1
27: 30 total