Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Monday- Oly ME + Drop Sets + IGT
3 sets
45 sec Table Shoulder Extensions
10 Wall Facing HS Shoulder Shrugs **get Wall-Facing in handstand about 4” away from wall, keep hollow body and push through shoulders to get nose to wall and back away for 10 reps
60 sec Straddle Stretch
A. High Hang Snatch, build to 1RM for the day + 5 singles @ 90%
B. Power Clean, build to 1RM for the day + 5 singles @ 90%
3 sets @ high effort
Run 800m
AMRAP Unbroken Muscle Ups
Rest 90 sec b/w sets
3 sets not for time:
10 Toes to Bar
10 HSPU’s Strict
10 Ring Rows @ 20X2 **keep glutes squeezed and hips extended throughout movement

Warm up done
A. 175. To my surprise. Wasn't pretty so I stopped
Singles at 160
B. 225. 235 was a sqt clean. Singles at 205

1) 4:46 including 8 MUs
2) 4:49 7 MUs
3) 4:46 7 MUs

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