Wednesday, October 5, 2016

A. Back Rack Step Ups, 5 x 6-10/leg, rest as needed **use BFR if possible
B. Deficit HSPU’s on paralletes @ 30X1, 5 x 4-6, rest as needed **add deficit as possible
3 rounds for time:
Run 400m
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, 95#
15 Toes to Bar

A. 45# bar, these got super rough. Really focused on isolating the leg on the box and not pushing off my back foot... Yikes! Used BFR

B. Done all strict and sets of 4.


Ate it on my first 400m run. Stepped in a pothole and twisted my ankle around the 300m mark. Walked back, made sure my ankle was ok then finished. Jogged it out pretty easy after that. It got pretty swollenthat day but it's gone down a lot. feels sore still, but no purple and black. Voodoo banding every day and using Compex on it.

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