Monday, September 14, 2015

W10 Deload
Thursday- Snatch Int + Density + FSQ/BSQ + Core
Warm Up- 10-12 med ball granny toss, max hip extensions, rest as needed
A. Muscle Snatch, build to 3RM
B. 2 Snatch Push Press + 2 OHS, 1 set/90 sec for 6 sets building
C. Hollow Body Hold, 3 min accumulated
D. Sorenson Hold, max hold up to 2 min
E. Walking Good Morning, 3 x 16 steps, light, rest as needed

A. 75,95,105,110,115,120, 125(f)
At 125 I started to re bend my knees to get under the bar. 
B. 135,145,155,165,175,185. 
C. 4:50 mins
D. Stopped at 2 mins. Felt like I could have gone for another minute. 
E. Done with an empty barbell. 

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