Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Tuesday- Speed LB + Row/Bike w/ LB Muscle Endurance
A. Hurdle Hops, 3 x 3 hops, rest as needed **set PVC hanging off 3 different 24” boxes and jump and land on two feet
B. Jump Squats, 5/min for 5 min @ 35% 1RM Back Squat
2 sets
Row 1000m @ same as last week
15 KB Swings, 70#
Rest 60 sec
Bike 50 Cals @ same as last week
15 Wallball, 20#- unbroken
Rest 2 min

DNF girlfriend is Jewish and we had to go celebrate Hanukkah with her family and friends.

Btw my quads are pretty sore from last night.
Monday- Oly ME + Drop Sets + IGT
3 sets
45 sec Table Shoulder Extensions
6-8 Natural Knee Extensions
2-3 sets
3 Snatch Deadlifts
3 Muscle Snatch
3 Sotts Press
3 Hang Power Snatch
Muscle Snatch, 3 x 3, moderate fast load (CNS Prep)
A. 3-position Snatch , build to tough single for the day + 5 singles @ 90-100% **video and post
B. Squat Clean & Jerk, build to 85% for three singles, rest as needed.  Keep it sharp and clean!
3 rounds for time:
7 Muscle Ups
21 Thrusters, 95#
2 sets not for time:
8-12 GH Sit Ups @ 3010 tempo
12 Seated DB Arnold Press
12 Ring Rows @ 20X2 **keep glutes squeezed and hips extended throughout movement

A. 145, all singles at 145
B. Cleans only 225

Metcon 9:24

Running on 5 hours of sleep, no food since breakfast at 7 am ( it was8 pm when I finished) and after driving for almost 2 hours. Only had 1 hour free so I got after it with minimal warm up, ok no warm up and now off again... looking forward to January...

Did struggle a bit with my left wrist getting really sore during the thrusters. No pain tho, but I broke it into 3 sets to avoid re aggravating what ever I had before.
Saturday- UB Vol + 7/7’s
A. Legless Rope Climb, 5 reps for time:
B. Strict HSPU’s, 50 reps for time:
7 min @ 95%
Row 1500m
Max Burpee Box Jumps in remaining time:
Rest 7 min
7 min @ 95%
Row 50 Cals
AMRAP Double Under in remaining time:
Rest 7 min
7 min @ 95%
Row 1500m
AMRAP Burpee Muscle Ups in remaining time:

A. 1:53
B. 3:33

Metcon 1
6:02+ 9 burpee box jump

Metcon 2
2:40 + 198 DUs

Metcon 3
6:11 + 3 burpee muscle up

Right side of my back feels pretty smoked. Left side feels fine. Also my left quad feels like it got a lot more work in.
Friday- ME LB + SL Squat/Bending + Sport Scenario
3 sets not for time
10 Kossack Squats/side
20 sec Lateral Sled Drag each direction
8-10 sec Passive single arm Hang each arm
A. Front Squat @ 13X1, build to quick single, keep it sharp and clean
B. Double KB Front Rack Lunge, 3 x 20 steps, rest 2 min
15 min AMRAP
1st- 15 Wallball, 20#
2nd- 12 Cal Row
3rd- 9 Cal Bike

A. 275
B. 26# per hand. Legs felt fine but metabolically I was breathing really hard.

Emom done

And off to more stuff to do...
W7 (deload)
Thursday- Snatch Strength + Cl&J + Sport EMOM + Sled/OH Stability + Scap
3 sets
5 Thoracic Bridge Rotations/side
5 KB Windmills/side
60 sec Hip Opening Sequence
Snatch Warm Up
2-3 sets
3 Snatch Deadlifts
3 Muscle Snatch
3 Sotts Press
3 Hang Power Snatch
A. Squat Snatch, 1/min for 15 min 70-85% 1RM
B. Squat Clean & Jerk, 1/min for 15 min @ 70-85% 1RM
C. Box Jump @ 36-40”, 1/min for 10 min
3 sets
50m Sled Drag w/ 120# on top of sled **w/ single arm OH Carry 25m each arm
45 sec Table Hold
15 Hip Extensions
Feet Elevated Bridge Hold- 5 x 10 sec, rest as needed

A. Done 165#
B. 185, could only jerk for 4 rounds. Re opened the gash in my hand because the bar lands exactly where I cut myself on Saturday.
C. Done 36"

DNF had a company dinner to attend.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Tuesday- Speed LB + Row/Bike w/ LB Muscle Endurance
A. Hurdle Hops, 3 x 3 hops, rest as needed **set PVC hanging off 3 different 24” boxes and jump and land on two feet
B. Back Squat w/ Chains, 3/min for 9 min @ 60% (no chains, move the bar faster)
C. Deadlift @ 60%, max TnG up to 20 reps
2 sets
Row 1000m @ same as last week
12 Power Snatch, 75#
Rest 60 sec
Bike 50 Cals @ same as last week
15 Wallball, 20#- unbroken
Rest 2 min

A. Done
B. Done at 225 moved as fast as possible but my knees hurt in the cold.
C. 245 x 20 reps got spicy at 16

Round 1
Round 2

AD was around 265 and 235

Not my best effort. Tough week at work, diet is off, sleep is way off and stress levels are off the chart. All the crazies are coming out and they are making my job tougher than usual.
Monday- Oly ME + Drop Sets + IGT
3 sets
45 sec Table Shoulder Extensions
6-8 Natural Knee Extensions
2-3 sets
3 Snatch Deadlifts
3 Muscle Snatch
3 Sotts Press
3 Hang Power Snatch
Muscle Snatch, 3 x 3, moderate fast load (CNS Prep)
A. Snatch , build to tough single for the day + 5 singles @ 90-100% **video and post
B. Squat Clean, build to a tough double + 5 singles @ 85-90% **video and post
3 rounds for time:
7 Muscle Ups
21 Thrusters, 95#
2 sets not for time:
8-12 GH Sit Ups @ 3010 tempo
12 Seated DB Arnold Press
12 Ring Rows @ 20X2 **keep glutes squeezed and hips extended throughout movement

Got off work super late and had previously committed to go Christmas shopping
Saturday- UB Vol + 7/7’s
A. Legless Rope Climb, 1/min for 10 minutes **Add 1 min to last week (note minutes completed)
B. Strict HSPU’s @ 5” deficit, 4/min for 8-9 min **goal is same minutes as last week with 1 more rep/min)
7 min @ 95%
20 Cals Bike
20 Unbroken Wallball 20#
Rest 7 min
7 min @ 95%
20 Cal Row
50’ Overhead Walking Lunges, 65#
Rest 7 min
7 min @ 95%
7 Muscle Ups
42 Double unders

A. 4 rounds then DNF, ripped the heck out of my hand.
B. 9 mins done. But that last minute was 3+1

Metcons 1
2 rounds +10 cals

Metcons 2
3 rounds.

Met con 3
3 rounds + 5 MUs

Friday- ME LB + SL Squat/Bending + Sport Scenario
3 sets not for time
10 Kossack Squats/side
20 sec Lateral Sled Drag each direction
8-10 sec Passive single arm Hang each arm
A. Back Squat, build to 2RM
B. Back Squat, 3 x 8 reps, rest 2 min **start @ 60% and build off feel **no tempo
C1. Back Rack Reverse Lunge off 45# Plate, 4 x 5/leg, rest 30 sec b/w legs
C2. Back Extensions @ 20X1, 4 x 15 + 20 sec hold at top of last rep, rest 2 min
15 min AMRAP
1st- 15 Wallball, 20#
2nd- 15 Power Snatch 75#
3rd- 20 sec Double Unders

A, 325, got 1 at 345 got stuck on the second.
B. 225 done.
C1. 50# legs felt toast.
C2. Done

Amrap done
Surprisingly the wall balls felt ok and the snatches got tough.
UB snatches for 3 rounds, then 10+5, and the last round I I it finished 13
Thursday- Snatch Strength + Cl&J + Sport EMOM + Sled/OH Stability + Scap
3 sets
5 Thoracic Bridge Rotations/side
5 KB Windmills/side
60 sec Hip Opening Sequence
Snatch Warm Up
2-3 sets
3 Snatch Deadlifts
3 Muscle Snatch
3 Sotts Press
3 Hang Power Snatch
A. Snatch Pull + Power Snatch + OHS, build to tough complex (reset on the ground b/w movements) (video one set and post to blog)
B. Squat Snatch, 1/45 sec for 12 reps @ 80-100% of A.
C. Power Clean + Jerk + Squat Clean + Jerk, build to tough complex **drop the jerk from the top
D. Squat Clean & Jerk, 1/45 sec for 12 reps @ 75-90% of B
3 sets
100m Sled Drag w/ 100# on top of sled **w/ single arm OH Carry 50m each arm
60 sec Table Hold
15 Hip Extensions
Feet Elevated Bridge Hold- 5 x 10 sec, rest as needed

A. 175... barely
Video is 165#

B. 175 done 
C. 205
D. 185

Metcons 24 mins
That was the worst way to drag a sled ever. 25# DB over head and that was rough!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Tuesday- Speed LB + Row/Bike w/ LB Muscle Endurance
A. Hurdle Hops, 3 x 3 hops, rest as needed **set PVC hanging off 3 different 24” boxes and jump and land on two feet
B. Back Squat w/ Chains, 3/min for 9 min @ 60% + chains
C. Deadlift w/ bands, 1/10 sec for 15 reps @ 55% + bands
**B and C focus on moving bar as fast as possible
**C- drop from top
2 sets
Row 1000m @ same as last week
Rest 15 sec
12 Power Snatch, 75#
Rest 60 sec
Bike 50 Cals @ same as last week
Rest 15 sec
15 Wallball, 20-30#- unbroken
Rest 2 min

A. Done
B. 225+ 58# chains
C. 225 plus bands (felt strong here)


Totally misread the wall ball part of the wod, did 20 at 30# not unbroken. These actually broke me. Lol! Just when I thought I was getting better at WB, these kicked my butt! Felt so heavy I was jumping with every rep almost as hard as I could.

Rows were a consistent 2:03 pace both times
AD 280 watts round 1
245 watts round 2

Monday- Oly ME + Drop Sets + IGT
3 sets
45 sec Table Shoulder Extensions
6-8 Natural Knee Extensions
A. Snatch , build to tough double for the day + 5 singles @ 90-100% **drop from top
B. Squat Clean, build to a tough single + 5 singles @ 85-90%
3 sets @ high effort
Run 800m
AMRAP Unbroken Muscle Ups
Rest 90 sec b/w sets
3 sets not for time:
8-12 GH Sit Ups @ 3010 tempo
12 Seated DB Arnold Press
12 Ring Rows @ 20X2 **keep glutes squeezed and hips extended throughout movement

A. 185
Drop sets at 185
B. 245
Drop sets at 225

1) 4:55; 8 MUs
2) 4:40; 8 MUs
3) 4:50; 7 MUs
Saturday- UB Vol + 7/7’s
A. Legless Rope Climb, 1/min for 10 minutes **Add 1 min to last week (note minutes completed)
B. Strict HSPU’s @ 5” deficit, 3/min for 8-9 min **Add 1 min to last week (note minutes completed)
7 min @ 95%
20 Cals Bike
20 Thrusters, 45#
10 Burpees
Rest 7 min
7 min @ 95%
15 Cal Row
15 Russian KB Swings, 70#
15 Box Jumps, 24”
Rest 7 min
7 min @ 95%
3 Squat Cleans, 205#
5 Muscle Ups
25 Double Unders

Metcon 1
2 rnd

Metcon 2
2+6 box jumps

Metcon 3
2+8 DUs
I did start metcon 3 about 30 seconds late. And I did 35 DUs on round 1 on accident. So I think I could have finished 3 rounds.
Friday- ME LB + SL Squat/Bending + Sport Scenario
3 sets not for time
10 Kossack Squats/side
20 sec Lateral Sled Drag each direction
A. Back Squat w/ 3 sec Pause in bottom, build to 3RM
B. Back Squat @ 2020 tempo, 3 x 8 reps, rest 2 min **start @ 55% and build off feel
C1. DB Reverse Lunge off 45# Plate, 3 x 8/leg, rest 30 sec b/w legs
C2. Back Extensions @ 20X1, 3 x 15 + 20 sec hold at top of last rep, rest 2 min
15 min AMRAP
1st- 15 Wallball, 20#
2nd- 15 Power Snatch 75#
3rd- 20 sec Double Unders

A. 275. Felt rough.
B. 205, 210, 215
C1. 50#
C2 done

No metcon; had to go back to work.
Thursday- Snatch Strength + Cl&J + Sport EMOM + Sled/OH Stability + Scap
3 sets
5 Thoracic Bridge Rotations/side
5 KB Windmills/side
60 sec Hip Opening Sequence
Snatch Warm Up
2-3 sets
3 Snatch Deadlifts
3 Muscle Snatch
3 Sotts Press
3 Hang Power Snatch
A. 2 Snatch Pulls + Power Snatch, build to tough complex (reset on the ground b/w movements)
B. Squat Snatch, 1/45 sec for 12 reps @ 80-100% of A.
C. Power Clean + Squat Clean + Jerk + Squat Clean + Jerk, build to tough complex **drop the jerk from the top
D. Squat Clean & Jerk, 1/45 sec for 12 reps @ 75-90% of B
3 sets
100m Sled Drag w/ 100# on top of sled **Use BFR
100’ Front Rack Yoke Carry if possible **if not, use barbell w/ KB’s hanging via bands
60 sec Table Hold
Feet Elevated Bridge Hold- 5 x 10 sec, rest as needed

No warm up today. Got to the box late from work.

A. 165. And ugly too
B. 165
C. 215
D. 175

24:08 yoke carries got a little wobbly last round. First time that has happened. I'll blame it on the cold. I dislike the cold. A lot.