Tuesday- Speed LB + Row/Bike w/ LB Muscle Endurance
A. Hurdle Hops, 3 x 3 hops, rest as needed **set PVC hanging off 3 different 24” boxes and jump and land on two feet
B. Jump Squats, 5/min for 5 min @ 35% 1RM Back Squat
2 sets
Row 1000m @ same as last week
15 KB Swings, 70#
Rest 60 sec
Bike 50 Cals @ same as last week
15 Wallball, 20#- unbroken
Rest 2 min
DNF girlfriend is Jewish and we had to go celebrate Hanukkah with her family and friends.
Btw my quads are pretty sore from last night.
Btw my quads are pretty sore from last night.