Thursday- Snatch Strength + Cl&J + Sport EMOM + Sled/OH Stability + Scap
3 sets
5 Thoracic Bridge Rotations/side
5 KB Windmills/side
60 sec Hip Opening Sequence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLuvQCTPrcY
Snatch Warm Up
2-3 sets
3 Snatch Deadlifts
3 Muscle Snatch
3 Sotts Press
3 Hang Power Snatch
A. Snatch Pull + Power Snatch + OHS, build to tough complex (reset on the ground b/w movements) (video one set and post to blog)
B. Squat Snatch, 1/45 sec for 12 reps @ 80-100% of A.
C. Power Clean + Jerk + Squat Clean + Jerk, build to tough complex **drop the jerk from the top
D. Squat Clean & Jerk, 1/45 sec for 12 reps @ 75-90% of B
3 sets
100m Sled Drag w/ 100# on top of sled **w/ single arm OH Carry 50m each arm
60 sec Table Hold
15 Hip Extensions
Feet Elevated Bridge Hold- 5 x 10 sec, rest as needed
A. 175... barely
Video is 165#
B. 175 done
C. 205
D. 185
Metcons 24 mins
That was the worst way to drag a sled ever. 25# DB over head and that was rough!
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