Wednesday, May 6, 2015

A1. DB Bench Press @ 33X1, 8-10 reps x 4, rest 30 sec
A2. Single Arm DB Bent Row @ 30X1, 8-10/arm x 4, rest 30 sec
A3. Back Rack Walking Lunges, 20 steps x 4, rest 2 min
20 min EMOM
1st- 1 Rope Climb, legless as long as possible
2nd- 5-7 strict HSPU's

1) 45#x10, 45#x10, 53#x10, 75x7 the 53 was with KB... For some reason we go from 45 to 75# with dumbells... I was kind of surprised about doing the 75s the tempo may have been a little rushed tho. 
2) 45x10, 53x10, 53x 10, 75x8
3)95, 115, 135, 155.... Was unsure of what I could do for 20 steps so started a bit light... The 155 had a good burn tho. 

EMOM done

All climbs were legless, first 5 were pretty strict, last 5 had a little kip to it. 
7 HSPU every round... Got spicy on the last 2 rounds. 

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