Wednesday, May 13, 2015

A. Front Rack Reverse Lunge off 45# plate, 8/leg x 3, rest 60 sec b/w legs
B1. Good Morning @ 33X1, 8-10 reps x 5, rest 30 sec
B2. GH Raises @ 50X1, 4-6 reps x 5, rest 2 min
D. Torture Twist, 5/side w/ 3 sec hold x 5, rest as needed

A) 95, 135, 135... Last set got tough. Had to out down at 5 then finish. Trying to keep rib cage down to take pressure off my back, but it made it harder to breath. 

B1)45x10, 65x9, 65x10, 65x10, 75x10. Yikes!

B2)6,6,4,4,3 double yikes! 
Burns so good! Lol! Hammies are smoked tho. 

C) got thru 4 sets... Turning to the right side, felt like my left side was going to snap right above my fronal left pubic bone area. Whatever muscle that was was super super tight. I barely had 45 degrees range of motion going right.  No problem going left. Felt like I could turn almost to 90 degrees. 

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