Wednesday, May 20, 2015

W3 (hip/back rehab focus)
A. Double KB Front Rack RFE Split Squat @ 3030, 6/leg x 3, rest 60 sec b/w sets
B. Single Leg Dead Lift @ 3030, 8/leg x 3, rest 60 sec b/w legs 
C. Single Leg Hip Extension @ 20X2, 6-8/leg x 5, rest 20-30 sec b/w legs **add weight if possible
D. Dead Bug @ 15X1, 5/side x 5, rest as needed

A)35#, 35#, 44# burned. 

B) 18#, 26#, 26# feeling a little better with these. 

C) done, no added weight. Back was starting to blow up a bit.

D) done. Remarkably these make my low back feel much better. Back was tight before doing these, now it's feeling normal. 

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