Daily WU
A. Snatch- tough single, then -10% for 3 singles
B. Over Head Squat @ 22X1, tough single then -15% for 3 x 3
C1. Push Press @ 30X3, 4 x 5 reps, rest 20 sec
C2. Kipping HSPU’s, 4 x AMRAP Unbroken @ 5” deficit, rest 20 sec
C3. Wall Facing HS Hold, 4 x 30 sec, rest 20 sec
C4. Wtd Strict Pull Up @ 20X2, 4 x 5 reps, rest 20 sec
C5. CTB Pull Ups, 4 x AMRAP in 20 sec, rest 3 min
5 sets rowing
25 sec hard and consistent
35 sec easy row
A. 135, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195(f) felt heavy off the ground, back felt weak.
B. 165, 195, 215, 235
195x3x3 the singles felt better than the triples.
C1. Done at 135. First 3 sets felt solid, last set I had a hard time balancing, kept having to step forward.
C2. 10, 14, 12, 13
C3. Done
C4. First set at 29# was way too ambitious... Reset to 20# and were still tough but the tempo was perfect.
C5. 13, 12, 10, 13. Typically was coming off the bar around 16--17 seconds and just didn't have time to re grip.
Metcon done.
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