Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Tuesday- MAP Long
A. Power Snatch, build to 1RM
B. Power Clean and Jerk, build to 1RM
7 min @ high consistent effort
3 Toes to Bar
15 Wall Ball, 20#
6 Toes to Bar
15 Wall Ball, 20#
9 Toes to Bar
15 Wall Ball, 20#
**continue increasing by 3’s on TTB
rest 7 min
7 min @ high consistent effort
7 Ring Dips
7 Box Jumps 30”
7 Dead Lifts, 185#
rest 7 min
7 min AMRAP
7 HR Burpees
7 Over Head Squats, 135#
3 Muscle Ups

A. 135, 155, 165,175, 185... Which is either a pr or ties my pr. 
B. 165, 195, 215, I am not very good at push jerks... Shoulder flexibility is just not there. 

Finished the round of 18 ttb+ 15 WB. Was able to keep the WB UB till the last round. 

7 rounds. I thought i only completed 6 rounds but the guy that volunteered to do this one with me assured me it was 7 rounds. I still have my doubts. Either way, the DL were tough on my back. Surprise surprise. 

3+1 ohs. The ohs while breathing hard was the hard part. Gotta learn to keep my core tight even while breathing fast hard. 

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