Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Friday- OHS + UB CP + Tester (no squatting)
A. OHS @ 21X1, build to tough single
B. CG Bench Press @ 20X1, build to 1RM
C. Wtd CTB Pull Up- build to 1RM 
D. 50 strict HSPU’s for time
200 Cals on Air Dyne Bike for time

A. 225, failed 255, dropped at the bottom. 
B. 285#. I guess that means no BP for me this year again. Lol! 

C. 155# BW + 80# KB + 20# vest = 255#
D. 3:21... Got slower :/ but I think it was the bigger first set. Hit 20 UB to start off. 

I hate the AD... With a passion. Lol! 

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