Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Saturday- BSQ + Aerobic + EMOM + Aerobic
A. Back Squat, build to a tough single in 10 min
B. 30 Ring MU’s for time
rest as needed- even if a few hours is possible
10 min Aerobic Warm Up
Row 60 sec @ 70%
Row 40 sec @ 80%
Row 20 sec @ goal 2k pace
x 2
4-5 min rest
Row 2k for time:

A. 315... Not a good squat day. 

B. 4:19... That's a PR. 

3 hours later

Goal was 1:55 pace for the 2 k row
Actual was 7:55 total time 1:59/500m.
Much more consistent than my normal 2k times, but not exactly a spectacular result. 

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