Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tuesday- BSQ + UB Volume + Aerobic work
A. Back squat @ 13X1 no belt, build to tough single in 10 min
B. CTB Pull Ups, 1 x AMRAP Unbroken- as soon as you lose rhythm, stop
C. CTB Pull Ups, 3 x 50% of above, rest as needed to stay unbroken
Run time
Run 800m
50 Ring Dips
Run 800m 

A. 315... I feel like my squatting has been terrible lately. 

B. 26... Wanted 30. 
C. Done. Rested around 2 mins bn sets. I dislike butterfly CTB with a passion tho. No faster way to make me go lactic. 


3:30 first 800m
Finished 50 ring dips by 5:10

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