Monday, November 9, 2015

Saturday- BSQ + Aerobic + EMOM + Aerobic
A. Back Squat, build to a tough single in 10 min
Row 2000m @ 30 min TT pace -4 sec
rest 4 min
16 min EMOM
1st- 6 UB Bar MU’s
2nd- 15 Wall Ball, 20#
3rd- 10 Toes to Bar + 5 Burpees
4th- 12 Thrusters, 75#
rest 4 min
Row 2000m @ 30 min TT pace -4 s

A. 315, just stopped there, not quite over this sickness yet and legs were not feeling it. 

2k- 8:32 
Emom kicked my butt. First 2 rounds done RX, round 3 I failed my 5th MU, then only 10 WB in, got the 10 TTB but skipped the burpees since I only had like 10 secs left, skipped the thrusters all together to use as extra rest, finished the 4th round RX. Lungs were on fire and I was nauseous the whole time. Then again I was wheezing before I even started. 

2k- 8:40 this last row I missed my target pace. Rowed a 2:09.9 goal was 2:08. 

Happy birthday to me... 

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