Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Tuesday- Run + Clean + Long Aerobic
Run- 4 x 400m, rest 60 sec **progress each one should be faster
A. Squat Clean, 4 @ 60%/min for 8 min
20 min EMOM
1st- 8 Wallballs + easy bike…
2nd- 2 Wall Walks + easy bike
3rd- 8 Russian KB Swings, 70# + easy bike
4th- 20 DU’s + easy bike

Run- 1:50; 1:48; 155; 2:00

My Right groin/ hip flexors were destroyed from last night. I couldn't take a full step to save my life.

A. 160# I went TnG for 3+1 every round.

EMOM went better than anticipated with my right hip as it was. Even DUs felt OK.

Today I am very sore tho.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Monday- Mvt warm up (glutes) + Position Snatch + Snatch/MU Density + SL/Pull Density
3 sets not for time:
20 Lateral Crossover Box Step Ups
5 KB Windmill each arm
10 Banded OHS
A. 2 Snatch Pulls + Squat Snatch, build to tough set in 12 min **not TnG on ground, 3 sec pause in catch of snatch
B1. Snatch, 8 x 3 TnG @ 60%, rest 45 sec
B2. Muscle Ups, 8 x 3, rest 45 sec
16 min EMOM
1st- 10 Jerk Grip Overhead Walking Lunges, 115#
2nd- 6-8 CTB Pull Ups

"Warm up" done, felt the crossover step ups and windmills activating muscles I don't typically pay attention to.

A. Worked up to 175
B1. Snatches at 130
B2. MUs

Done. Snatches got a little ugly towards the end. Right shoulder likes to internally rotate at the catch and left should likes to shoot forward so I end up rotating a little.
To my surprise I got all the MUs done.

EMOM kicked my butt.

Grinded thru the first 6 rounds. On round 7 I only got 4 steps in bar just kept crashing forward on me. Then finished the 8 th round.

CTB all sets of 6, only did butterfly on first 2 rounds. Regular kip the other 6. Just wasn't quite getting up to the bar with the butterflies.

Next day, my left shoulder is on fire and my right hip flexors are so tight they hurt.
Saturday- Clean Density + Long MAP (squatting/bending)
A. Clean, 2/min @ 85% x 6 min **doesn’t have to be TnG but you can try TnG
3 sets
Row 1000m @ 2:10/500m
5 Front Squats @ 75% (from ground)
Rest 60 sec b/w sets
3 sets
Bike 50 Cals
5 Deadlifts @ 75%
Rest 60 sec

A. @225, done. These felt and looked awful. Failed twice. Feet weren't even moving and elbows were super slow. Not happy here.

Rowing +FSQ
@245 somehow cleaned all three sets off the ground and these cleans felt and looked much stronger than the lighter 225.


@300# all touch and go, we got new AD and I feel like these take longer to accumulate cals...


Friday, May 20, 2016

Friday- UB strength + UB Gymnastics stamina + short tester
A1. Split Position BB Press @ 20X2, 4 x 8-10, rest 60 sec
A2. Single Arm Bent Row, 4 x 10/arm, rest 30 sec b/w arms
16 min EMOM
1st- 1 Legless Rope Climb
2nd- 3 Muscle Ups + 5 HSPU’s
For time:
30 Wallballs, 20#
30 KB Swings, 70#
30 Wallball, 20#

A. 95# , 8,9,9,9
A1. 50, 70,70,70

EMOM was super tough.

Skipped the 5th round of rope climbs cause I had no pull. Muscle ups were super rusty. First 2 rounds might as well have been strict. Did 5 rounds UB then 2+1. Down side to being back up in body weight from 150 to 160 lol!

Tester 5:09
Split at 15+10+5 on round 1 of WB and KBS, last round of WB were sets of 5. Found the suck.
A. Overhand No hook grip Deadlift, 1RM
B. Farmer’s Carry- 1 x max distance w/ 50% of A in each hand
C. CG Bench Press- 1RM

A. 335, I dropped 355 right before I locked it out. So close.
B. 165# per hand, 125'. That includes 2 180 degree turns tho. I think if I could have walked in a straight line I was good for 100 meters or more. The turns were by far the hardest part.

C. Jumped in on a bro sesh going on and managed to hit 225, 255, 285, then miss 300 twice.

A. Overhead Squat @ 15X1, 3 x 5, rest 90-120 sec
B. 3-Position Snatch (high hang, above knee, below knee), 1 set/90 sec for 6 sets
C. Back Squat @ 30X1, 4 x 6 reps, rest 2-3 min
D1. L-sit Hang- 3 x 20-30 sec, rest as needed
D2. Banded Good Mornings, 3 x 20 reps, rest as needed

A. Did these at 135, felt ok my right shoulder kept trying to pop out of position, it was a fight trying to keep it externally rotated.

B. 135#. First 2 sets were rough, but I started to get more comfortable towards the end. Landed on my toes way to many times tho.

C. 225, 275, 275, 290. If I had more time I would have done 290 again

Didn't know if the tempo was going to make a big difference from what i was doing during the previous sqt cycle. But it ended up not making a big difference at all.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

A. Strict Press- build to 1RM
B. Wtd Pull Up- build to 1RM
C. Single Arm Seated DB Press @ 40%- 1 x max reps on each arm
D. Wtd Ring Dip- build to 1RM
E. Strict Pull Ups- 1 x max reps
F. Strict Ring Dips- 1 x max rep

A. 165, not too pleased here. PR is 180. I locked out 175 with my right arm but my left wouldn't make it past the top of my forehead.

B. Pronated 100# + 160# BW

C. 40% would have been 65# which we don't have. So I used 70#
L- 5
R- 9
Clear imbalance

D. 100# just missed the lock out at 115#
E. 22 pull ups
F. 33 ring dips.
A. Shrimp Squat test each leg
B. Overhead Squat @ 21X1, build to 1RM
C. Front Squat, build to 1RM
D. Front Rack RFE Split Squat @ 3010, 5RM/leg
E. Strict HSPU’s, 1 x max reps

B. 255#. PR. I was super surprised at getting the weight over head so easily that I dropped it the first time. Lol!

C. 325 front squat, 5# PR but I am quite certain I have more. The only reason I couldn't get more was I was having a hard time holding my breath during the set up.

D. 135. These sucked after everything else. With my left leg I started to lean forward a bit. 2 days later the only part of my lower body that's sore is my left glute...

E. 19, came off the wall on my way up on 20. 
Saturday - Day 1
A. Back squat - Max
B. Snatch - lift according to how you feel
C. Clean & jerk - lift according to how you feel
Snatch/CJ: Take singles or doubles at whatever weight feels good today, even if it's 40-50%. Spend 15-30 minutes with each movement and don't worry about pushing the weight

A. 375, barely missed 380, made it past the sticky point but was falling to my left side.

B. Did the whole Thacker ABC snatch portion. Rusty.
C. Same as above for c&j. Positions felt off.
A1. Incline Bench Press @ 30X1, build to 1RM
A2. Strict Pull Up @ 30X1, build to 1RM
B1. Seated Arnold Press @ 20X2, 5 x 8, rest 15 sec
B2. Supinated Grip Passive Hang, 5 x 30 sec, rest 60 sec
C1. Supinated Grip Pendlay Rows @ 20X2, 4 x 10, rest 90 sec
C2. Seated DB Tricep Extensions, 4 x 15, rest 90 sec

A1. 235, I think that's a lifetime PR. Not sure.
A2. Supinated, 100# + 160# BW just couldn't finish the last inch or so at 115# close tho
B1. Done with 35#
B2. Done
C1. 95#
C2. 75# done
A. Clean & Jerk - 70%, 5 x 1, rest as needed
B. Back squat - 80% x 2 x 6
C. Dragon Flags- 5 x 4-6, rest as needed

A. 185 done. Felt really rusty. I did do it in flats too tho. Which I never split jerk with flats.
B. 290 done
5x4....these don't seem to get any easier.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

A1. Single Arm DB Bench Press @ 30X1, 5 x 6-8, rest 90 sec
A2. Tuck Front Lever Ring Pull-Ups, 5 x 6-8, rest 90 sec
B1. Archer Push Ups on Rings, 4 x 12/arm, rest as needed b/w arms + 60 sec
B2. Archer Pull-Ups on Rings, 4 x 6-8/arm, rest as needed b/w arms + 60 sec
12 sets
45 sec Bike @ 90% aerobic, rest 15 sec

A1. 80#. All sets of 8. 
A2. All sets of 8
B1. Done
B2. All sets of six. I find it easier to pull up with my left and extend my right than going the other way. 

Bike. Done. 
Monday - Day 1
A. Hang muscle snatch - 55% x 5 x 3
B. Back squat - 100% x 2 x 2
C. Back extension - 3 x 10 (no weight)
D. Dragon Flag, 3 x 4-6, rest as needed

A. 120... Yikes! Much tougher than anticipated!
B. 360# done! Rep 2 on set 1 was a grind. Got stop dead on my track but somehow pulled it off. Set 2 was easier?
C. Done
D. 6,4,4
Saturday - Day 1
A. Clean pull off blocks - 115% (of clean) x 3 x 3
B. Power jerk + split jerk - 5 sets @ 70%
C. Back squat - 80% x 2 x 6
D1. GH Raises @ 30X1, 4 x 4-6, rest 30 sec
D2. Front Rack Yoke Carry (barbell if no yoke), 4 x 50’, rest 60 sec

A. 305#. These felt more like a DL with a small pop at the top lol!
B. 195.... So so ugly. Shoulders are tight and overhead position was 
C. 290 and super heavy
D1. Done
D2. We have a rogue yoke, no idea how much it weights. I added 60# to it.

A1. Incline Bench Press @ 30X1, 5 x 2 reps, rest 30 sec **add 2-5%
A2. Strict Pull Up @ 30X1, 5 x 3 reps, rest 2 min **add weight
B1. Seated Arnold Press @ 20X2, 5 x 8, rest 15 sec
B2. Supinated Grip Passive Hang, 5 x 30 sec, rest 60 sec
C1. Supinated Grip Pendlay Rows @ 20X2, 4 x 10, rest 90 sec
C2. Seated DB Tricep Extensions, 4 x 15, rest 90 sec

A1. 215... Getting heavy! Honestly I think my 1rm was 225 anyway.
A2. Done 35# KB
B1. 35# done
B2. Done
C1. 95# these really get me.
C2. 70#. Done
Thursday - Day 1
A. Back squat - 95% x 3 x 3
B. Bulgarian split squat - 3 x 4
C. RDL - 3 x 5
D. L-Sit- 12 sec/min for 10 min

A. 345# done. I failed the last rep of the last set 2 times before I finally got it. Just had to take like a 15 minute break... Ugh.
B. 70# done
C. 225 every set got shaky towards the end. Hamies were tired.
D. Done.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

A1. Single Arm DB Bench Press @ 30X1, 5 x 6-8, rest 90 sec
A2. Tuck Front Lever Ring Pull-Ups, 5 x 6-8, rest 90 sec
B1. Archer Push Ups on Rings, 4 x 10/arm, rest as needed b/w arms + 60 sec
B2. Archer Pull-Ups on Rings, 4 x 6-8/arm, rest as needed b/w arms + 60 sec
12 sets
40 sec Bike @ 90% aerobic, rest 20 sec
A1. 75# 8 reps X 5 sets per arm
A2. 8,7,7,8,8
B1. Done
B2. Done. Easier on the rings. 8,7,6,6,6
Bike done.
A. Snatch pull off blocks - 115% (of snatch) x 3 x 3
B. Snatch push press - work up to a 3 RM
C. Back squat - 80% x 2 x 6
D. Dragon Flags- 3 x 4-6, rest as needed

A. 250 with straps. Done.
B. 225. Went for 245 which is actually my 1 rm. but failed.
C. 290 done.
D. 4,4,4
Saturday - Day 1
A. Back squat - 90% x 4 x 4
B. Bulgarian split squat (DBs) - 3 x 5
C. Good morning - 4 x 5
30 min Z1-Z2
Row 500m
3 Wall Walks
30 sec Hollow Rock
10 Toes to Bar

A. Done at 325
B. Db were not heavy enough at my family's place out of town. Used 2 small children instead lol! A 5 year old and a 6 year old.
C. Done at 135

DNF... Did 1 hour of jujitsu before lifting and 1 hour of swimming with kids after. I was spent.
A1. Incline Bench Press @ 30X1, 5 x 3 reps, rest 30 sec **add 2-5%
A2. Strict Pull Up @ 30X1, 5 x 3 reps, rest 2 min
B1. Seated Arnold Press @ 20X2, 5 x 8, rest 15 sec
B2. Supinated Grip Passive Hang, 5 x 30 sec, rest 60 sec
C1. Supinated Grip Pendlay Rows @ 20X2, 4 x 10, rest 90 sec
C2. Seated DB Tricep Extensions, 4 x 15, rest 90 sec

A. Done 205
A2. Done, not on the canon balls this time tho. Those got my wrist sore for a few days last time.
B. Done 35#
B2. Done

TRaveling out of town, ran out of time.
A. Snatch high-pull - 75% x 3 x 3
B. Clean no-touch deadlift on riser - 80% x 3 x 3
C. Back squat - 80% x 2 x 6
D. L-sit Hold- 10 sec/min for 10 min

A. Done @ 165
B. Done @ 215 only a 3" platform today tho.
C. Done 290
D. Done