Monday- Oly Int + Sq Vol + MAP high effort Mixed
A. Snatch Cluster, 1.1.1, build to a tough set, no misses
B. Power Clean and Push Jerk, tough triple TnG, no pause at the shoulder on the way up
C. Back Squat, build to a snappy triple
3 sets @ high effort
75 Double Unders
15 Burpees to 6” target
5 CTB Pull Ups
5 Toes to Bar
rest 3 min b/w sets
did not get to the box with enough time to redo 15.1
A) 145
B) 165, wrist hurt on the way back down from the jerk so i stopped there.
C) 275, snappy, no rest at the top and fast out of the bottom.
1)4:00 (had issues with my rope, had to change it half way thru.)
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