A. Back Squat @ 80%, 1 reps/45 sec for 12 sets*fast as possible down & up
B. Snatch Pull from 2” deficit @ 215# + 30# of chains, 4 x 3, rest 2 min *wear straps
30 min of:
10’ HS Walk
30 sec Wall Facing HS Hold
75m Front Rack Yoke Carry *same weight as last week
50m Walking Good Mornings, 45# bar
15 V-Ups
A. Done at 275
B. Done. Lowering the bar back down was the toughest part because The chains kept getting in the way... Not sure if my set up was the most ideal.
3 rounds and 10m? Walking GM
Wow. Walking GM killed me. Stepping with my left leg was especially painful, something around my lower left back or upper left glute was super super tight.
SUNDAY- glutes were so sore, a lot more than usual. Did go for a short swim.