Monday, December 1, 2014

Thursday- Snatch OH work + PC + Grinder     
A. Snatch Push Press @ 30X1, build to 10RM *again, shoot for 130 or 135B. Power Clean, build to 3RM TnG+5 rounds for time:1 Power Clean & Push Press@ 1853 OHS @ 185 **try to power clean & pp with a slightly wider grip and OHS w/ that grip, if not, PP then lower it down and regrip for OHS5 Ring Muscle Ups
1 Power Clean & Push Press@ 185
3 OHS @ 185 **try to power clean & pp with a slightly wider grip and OHS w/ that grip, if not, PP then lower it down and regrip for OHS
5 Ring Muscle Ups

A) hit 135... it was rough tho...and i also miss read it at first and did 30X3 for the first 3 sets... really got my shoulders spied up.

B) 195... did 2 at 205 but sqt cleaned the last one.

5 rounds for time:

kept missing the 185 OHS. shoulders were pretty spiced up did it at 165... 14:00

also... i did this right after driving for 4 hours and eating a ton of food... not the most ideal scenario. 

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