Friday, October 30, 2015

Thursday- Clean Pull Complex + FSQ + SL Vol + Aerobic Cool Down
A. Clean Pull + Clean, build to tough complex in 15 min
B. Power Clean x 3 TnG/min for 8 min @ 135-155#
C. Front Squat @ 13X1, build to tough single *no belt
D. Double KB Front Rack RFE Split Squats, 4 x 8/leg, rest 60 sec b/w legs
18 min @ EN2 (HR- 130-150)
Row 2 min
Bike 2 min

A. Felt good today, 135.165,185,295,225,245 

B. Emom done at 155

C. 275, failed 295

D. Done at 35# per hand



Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Tuesday- BSQ + UB Volume + Aerobic work
A. Back squat @ 13X1 no belt, build to tough single in 10 min
B1. CTB Pull Ups, 4 x 10-12 unbroken, rest 30 sec
B2. Strict Ring Dips, 4 x 10-12 unbroken, rest 2 min
20 min @ HR 130-160 building
Row 500m
Bike 15 Cals
100 Jump Ropes 

A. 315

B1. 10,12,12,12

B2. 10,10,10,10

4 rounds even. Felt good. Calves were still smoked from last night's sled walks. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Monday- Snatch Pulls + FSQ + WL emom’s + Sled drag
A. 3 Snatch Pull + Hang Snatch from knee cap, build to tough set in 15 min
B. Front Squat, build to tough single in 10 min
C. Power Snatch x 3/min for 10 min @ 115#
D. Power Clean x 5/min for 10 min @ 115#
400m Sled Walk moderate grinding weight.  Focus on driving heel into ground and pulling with glute/hamstring

A. 175, I should have attacked this one more. Got a little tentative in my last 2 attempts but I could have hit 185+ I think. Grip was in my mind. 

B. 305

C done TnG
D done TnG (played a little with hip cleaning these.)

Sled walks ate my lunch. Started with an additional 50# in the "sled" (I used a very large tire) and felt fine for 100m. Then my calves exploded even tho I was driving thru my heel and staying off my toes as much as humanly possible. Had to lose 25# at 200m (which i had to still carry across my chest back to the box)
7:11 minutes. That kicked my butt. Lol!


But since I had to "coach" open gym...

30 min MAP 10 AD as I watched the Texans get CRUSHED by the Dolphins... Good Fantasy week tho. Lol!

 Then rotator cuff banded exercises. External rotation of the right shoulder is what was killing me. And the fact I have like 0 internal rotation on that same shoulder.
Saturday- BSQ + Aerobic + EMOM + Aerobic
A. Back Squat, build to a tough single in 10 min
Row 2000m @ 30 min TT pace
rest 4 min
16 min EMOM
1st- 4 UB Bar MU’s
2nd- 12 Wall Ball, 20#
3rd- 7 Toes to Bar + 5 Burpees
4th- 10 Thrusters, 75#
rest 4 min
Row 2000m @ 30 min TT pace

A. 335#

2 k row at 2:11 pace
Emom done
2 k row at 2:11 pace

I was surprised that I rowed both 2 ks at the same exact pace and time. 
Friday- OHS + UB CP + Tester (no squatting)
A. OHS @ 21X1, build to tough single
B1. L-Sit CTB Pull Up @ 21X1, 4 x 4-6 reps, rest 30 sec
B2. Strict Deficit HSPU’s, 4 x 5 reps, rest 2 min
15 min AMRAP
7 CTB Pull Ups
14 KB Swings, 53#
21 Double Unders

A. 205, shoulder still bothering, gona go see a chiro to see what's going on. 

B1. 4,5,5,5
B2.  5,5,5,5

Lower the deficit I've been using on the HSPU and definitely leaned to the left. Right shoulder wasn't having it. 

8 rounds. Kept it pretty steady till the last 2 rounds or so. Then I sped up to finish the last round right as time expired. 
Thursday- Clean Pull Complex + FSQ + SL Vol + Aerobic Cool Down
A. Clean Pull x 2 + Clean, build to tough complex in 15 min
B. Front Squat @ 13X1, build to tough single *no belt
C. Double KB Front Rack Step Ups, 4 x 8/leg, rest 60 sec b/w legs
16 min @ EN2 (HR- 130-150)
Row 2 min
Bike 2 min
10 min Ido Portol Locomation

A. 195, right shoulder was in a lot of pain pulling. Been hurting since Tuesday but it was really bad today. Could not lift my right arm above shoulde level without it feeling like it was catching on something. 

B.  285. Pushed it here to make up for my crappy clean complex. 

C. 26# round 1 testing shoulder out, 35# the rest of the way.


Done. This actually felt good. Thought the HR stuff was weird at first but once I got going I kind of enjoyed this wod. Very sustainable pace. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tuesday- UB CP + Density + MAP High effort
10 Legless Rope Climbs for time
rest as needed
50 Strict HSPU’s for time
3 sets 
Row 1000m *at 30 min TT pace -2 sec
15 DB Thrusters, 25#/H
10 Burpees
rest 1 min b/w sets    

A. Pretty sure these were 20' ropes at this gym. They were definitely taller than at my box. 
10 mins... First 4 were in 2:15, hit the wall there. 

B. 2:45 15,15,10,4,4,2 just ran out of juice to finish that last set of 10.... I was thinking 2-2:15 till that last set. 

1) 5:55 2:10 split
2) 5:58 2:12 splits 
3) 5:54 2:11 splits

All I could think about was this is a MAP6 dude, make sure it's sustainable, don't go lactic. Lol! 

Monday- Snatch Pulls + SB + Snatch + SL + LP
A. Snatch Pull from 2” deficit, 3, 2, 1, 1 reps @ 100-105%, rest 2-3 min **keeping speed up, yes lighter than last week
B. Snatch Balance- build to a tough single
C. Snatch, build to a tough single then -10% for 3 singles.  **go for 1RM if feeling good 
D. Front Rack Lunges, build to 50’ max load
15 sec Sled Push Heavy but high turnover, rest 1:30 min x 6 **same weight

A. 215x3, 220x2, 225x1, 225x1

B. 135, 165, 185, 205, 225 stopped when it felt slow and like I was popping the weight off my back too much. 

C. 165, 175, 185, 185, 205, 215(f)x3
215 fails
Felt great thru 205, was honestly thinking PR was coming. 215 is my PR and It looks like it should have been there, but I felt like my elbows gave out on the catch and I didn't want 215 crashing on my head. Again. 
185x 3 done

D. This sucked... Had to do it up hill and that made this so much tougher. 
135, 165.

E. Different type of sled than ours, not sure what the weight was. Had to be close tho. Really sucked up hill, crushed it down hill lol!  

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Saturday- BSQ + EMOM Skill/Aerobic
A. Back Squat, 10 @ 30%, 5 @ 50%, 3 @ 70%, 1’s- building to 1RM
For time:
50 KB Swings, for time @ 70%
Accumulate splitting as needed
150 Banded Good Mornings
50 Banded Face Pulls
75 Skull Crushers w/ barbell

A. 105x10, 175x5, 245x3, 295x1, 315, 340, 360(pr). Surprised. Cause I'm still sore from Thursday. 

B. 1:54
Broke at 30 just long enough to re grip the KB, which flew out of my hands at 40. Oh well. 

Accessories done.  
Friday- UB Skill + UB Density + Long Aerobic Odd Object
A1. Strict Lean Away Pull Ups @ 30X1, 5 x 4-6 reps, rest 30 sec **add weight vest if possible
A2. Deficit Strict HSPU @ 30X1, 5 x 4-6 reps, rest 2 mn **add deficit as possible
B. 50 CTB Pull Ups for time:
C. Chin Over Bar L-Sit Hold, Accumulate 60 sec
D. Wall Facing HS Hold, Accumulate 3 min
10 min Bike @ Z1

Due to a work mishap, I did this on 3 hours of sleep.... So, so, sore. All day. Everything hurt. 

A1. 4,6, 4+20# vest, 5+vest, 4+vest
A2. 5,6,4,4,4

B. 2:28

C. In 3 minutes I achiever :20 seconds of hold. Biceps were feeling like they were going to rip off my arms. 

D. 3 mins hold too me 6:18

Ad done. 
Thursday- Clean Pulls + FSQ + Cleans + Tester
A. Clean Pulls, 3, 2, 1, 1 -building **tough single but keep good speed. Looked good last week.  
B. Front Squats w/ chains, build to 1RM w/ chains
C. Cleans, build to a tough single then -10% for 3 singles **go for 1RM if feeling good
For time:
150 Double Unders
75 Wall Ball, 20/14#
150 Double Unders

A. 255x3 275x2, 295x1, 305x1

B. 52# chains, 185,225,245,265,275,285(fail), 285(fail)

C. Honestly, I think I'm A) thinking too much before the lift trying to feel out my set up, and B) I have no confidence in my ability to get under the bar quickly. 
260 fail
Went down to 225x1, 245x1 and finally hit 260

That's the closest to getting under I got lol! Plenty high tho... Just feels so heavy off the ground my brain won't even consider getting down. Tried 3 times. 

235x3 done. 

DUs 1.  4:45
WB.      9:25
DUs 2.  15:49 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Tuesday- UB CP + Density + MAP High effort
A1. Legless Rope Climb, 4 x 1 rep + 10 CTB Pull Ups, rest 30 sec
A2. DB Push Press @ 30X3, 4 x 6-8 reps, rest 3 min
***During rest, lay over med ball holding 5# plate w/ arms straight over head stretching T-spine and shoulders
10 min AMRAP
3 Bar Muscle Ups
7 Toes to Bar
3 Strict HSPU’s, 5” deficit
10 Ring Push Ups
3 sets 
Row 1000m *at 30 min TT pace 
10 Wall Ball, 20#
10 Burpees
rest 1 min b/w sets   

A1. Done. Got spicy. 
A2. Used 50# DB, 6,6,6,6, last round broke at 4 and 2. These got really spicy today. 

4+7 ttb
Started last round with 2 mins left and I missed my first 2 MUs. Otherwise I think I could have hit 5 rounds. Pulling was gone 

Metcon 2

Monday- Snatch Pulls + SB + Snatch + SL + LP
A. Snatch Pull from 2” deficit, 3, 2, 1, 1 reps @ 100-115%, rest 2-3 min
B. Snatch Push Press + 2 Snatch Balance + 3 OHS, tough set in 5 min **video 
C. Snatch, 8 singles @ 80-90%, video every rep and review b/c reps to self correct, focus on perfect technique
D. Double KB Front Rack Reverse Lunge off 45# plate @ 30X0, 3 x 8/leg, rest 45 sec b/w legs
15 sec Sled Push Heavy but high turnover, rest 1:30 min x 6 **same weight

A. 215

B. 134, 185 fail, 185 made.  

Accidentally deleted the fail 185. On the second snatch balance I lost my balance in the hole and lost the bar behind me. I think I was trying to go too fast. 

C. Started working on my hook grip again and it was throwing me off. My wrists were hurting at the catch. Was on my toes too early too. But it usually takes me a few sessions to get back into the hook grip. 
170x4+2 fails
175x1+1 fail

D. 35# KB per hand. 

Sled pushes- move the sled much better than last week. Felt like I was sprinting. Last round I hit a dead spot in the parking lot I had to grind thru, but that was about it. 

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Saturday- BSQ + EMOM Skill/Aerobic
A. Back Squat, 3, 2, 1, 1 reps, rest 3 min *355 or lighter.  1RM is coming, don’t push it too much this week
32 min EMOM
1st- 7 Inverted Bar Rows + Air Bike @ Z1 remaining time:
2nd- 12 Russian KB Swings, 70# + Air Bike…
3rd- 3 Muscle Ups + Air Bike
4th- 3 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 20" + Air Bike…
Accumulate splitting as needed
150 Banded Good Mornings
50 Banded Face Pulls
75 Skull Crushers w/ barbell

A. 275x3, 315x2, 335, 345.  To follow up on Pimping Iron used metal plates today lol! Takes me back to the globo days. And an incentive to not fail and drop the weight on the concrete floor. 

Metcon. Done
 Accessories done. 

Skull crushers were always my favorite globo workout too. Good times. 
Friday- UB Skill + UB Density + Long Aerobic Odd Object
A1. Strict Lean Away Pull Ups @ 30X1, 5 x 3-5 reps, rest 30 sec **add weight vest if possible
A2. Deficit Strict HSPU @ 30X1, 5 x 3-5 reps, rest 2 mn **add deficit as possible
B. 10 Unbroken CTB Pull Ups x 4, rest as needed to complete unbroken
C1. Chin Over Bar L-Sit Hold, 4 x 20 sec, rest 30 sec
C2. Wall Facing HS Hold, 4 x 45 sec, rest 30 sec **focus on good hollow position
15 min @ easy pace
30 sec Shoulder Taps Wall Facing
50’ Reverse Bear Crawl
100’ Walking Lunges
10 V-Ups
15 Back Extensions

A1. 5 no vest, then with a 20# vest 5,5,4,4
A2. 5,5,5,5,4

B. Done. Probably should have times my rest. 

C1. 3 rounds. 4th round I could not stay up. My biceps were done. 
C2. 3 good rounds, round 4 at 20 seconds I came crashing on my head. 

3 rounds

Back had a crazy pump after the back extensions. All I could think about was old school Arnold Schwarzenegger in Pumping Iron. Lol! 
Thursday- Clean Pulls + FSQ + Cleans + Tester
A. Clean Pulls from pins just below knee cap,  3, 2, 1, 1 -building **tough single but keep good speed. Looked good last week.  
B. Front Squats w/ chains, build to 3RM w/ chains
C. Cleans, 8 reps @ 80-90%, video each rep and review b/w each rep to self correct **I like the static start better for you at least for now.  You look like you are keeping better posture on first and second pull.  How did it feel?
12 min AMRAP
75 Double Unders
25 Wall Ball, 20/14#
10 Burpees

A. 255 (no hook grip no strap), 275, 295, 305 straps

B. 52# of chains, 185, 225, 245, 265x2
Lost midline in the hole on last rep.

C. 210x2



240x2 and 1 fail

I am rotating to the left for some reason on my catch, makes me land really hard on my right knee. Besides that up to 220 felt solid, 230 I got pinned a bit on the first one, second was arguably my best lift. 240 was crashing on me. I was beating the bar to the hole yet my elbow turn over was super slow. 

2+64 DUs
Had a terrible du night. Shoulders felt super tired and and hands were not rotating evenly, left hand was moving faster than my right for whatever reason. Rope kept hitting me in the back of the head :/

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Tuesday- UB CP + Density + MAP High effort
A1. Legless Rope Climb, 4 x 1 rep + 2 Bar MU’s + 3 Strict Pull Ups, rest 30 sec
A2. DB Push Press @ 30X3, 4 x 6-8 reps, rest 3 min
***During rest, lay over med ball holding 5# plate w/ arms straight over head stretching T-spine and shoulders
10 min AMRAP
5 L-Sit Pull Ups
5 Deficit Strict HSPU’s, 3” deficit
5 Strict Ring Dips
3 sets 
Row 1000m *at 30 min TT pace + 2 sec
15 Russian KB Swings, 70#
30 Double Unders
rest 1 min b/w sets   

A1. Done

B. 45# DB, 8,8,7,6. Shoulders were toast by the end. 

AMRAP 6+5 L sit pull ups

6:40 ( technical difficulties with the rope. Grabbed the wrong one. Missed a lot) 

2:14 pace on all 3 rows. 
Monday- Snatch Pulls + SB + Snatch + SL + LP
A. Snatch Pull from 2” deficit, 2, 2, 1, 1 reps @ 100-110%, rest 2-3 min
B. Snatch Push Press + OHS + Snatch Balance, tough set in 5 min
C. Snatch, 12 singles @ 75-85%, video every rep and review b/c reps to self correct, focus on perfect technique
D. Double KB Front Rack Reverse Lunge off 45# plate @ 30X0, 3 x 8/leg, rest 45 sec b/w legs
15 sec Sled Push Heavy but high turnover, rest 1:30 min x 6 **same weight

A. 215x2x2, 235x1,235x1
Accidentally deleted some videos trying to open up some memory space in my phone

B. 165, 185,  205, (balances felt a little slow today.)

C. 160x4,175x6(+2fails?), 180x2

D. 26# per hand, kept it light due to tempo, was not sure how it was gona feel. Still burned. 

Sled pushes.... Yikes. These felt so much heavier today.... Used the same weight as last week but it felt like no matter how hard or fast I moved my feet that sled was crawling. Hit every last dead pavement spot too. Turn over was still high, just was not getting the distance. Rough night. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Saturday- BSQ + EMOM Skill/Aerobic
A. Back Squat, 3, 2, 1, 1 reps, rest 3 min *heavy building, no failed reps
32 min EMOM
1st- 7 CTB Pull Up + Air Bike @ Z1 remaining time:
2nd- 10 Russian KB Swings, 70# + Air Bike…
3rd- 3 Muscle Ups + Air Bike
4th- 2 Burpees + 2 Wall Walks + Air Bike…
Accumulate splitting as needed
150 Banded Good Mornings
30 Uneven Ring Strict Pull Ups **set one ring about 6” above the other, 15 facing one direction, 15 the other
75 Skull Crushers w/ barbell

A. 275x3, 325x2, 345x1, 355(F) barely. I wanted to go for 365, but 345 was more of fight this week than last week, 355 I made it past parallel and I thought I had it in the bag, then I got stuck much higher Than I  usually do, lost my balance and bailed. Very disappointed. 

EMOM done

Accessories done. Those uneven ring pull ups were no joke. 
Friday- UB Skill + UB Density + Long Aerobic Odd Object
A1. Strict Lean Away Pull Ups @ 30X1, 5 x 4-6 reps, rest 30 sec
A2. Deficit Strict HSPU @ 30X1, 5 x 3-5 reps, rest 2 mn **add deficit as possible
B1. Chin Over Bar L-Sit Hold, 4 x 20 sec, rest 30 sec
B2. Wall Facing HS Hold, 4 x 45 sec, rest 30 sec **focus on good hollow position
20 min @ easy pace
50’ Farmer’s Carry, 135#/H barbells or farmer’s handles
100’ OH Barbell Carry w/ Snatch grip w/ 26# KB’s attached w/ bands
50’ Reverse Bear Crawl
100’ Walking Lunges
40 sec FLR on Rings

A1. 4,6,6,6,5
A2. 4,5,5,5,5 (6.5 inch deficit)
B1. Done
B2. Done 

3 rounds plus 50' FC

OH BB carries were easily the toughest part. Staying stable as I made the turn at the 50' mark was intense. 
Thursday- Clean Pulls + FSQ + Cleans + Tester
A. Clean Pulls from pins just below knee cap, 3, 3, 2, 2 @ 100% for 3’s, 105% for 2’s, rest 2-3 min **I want these to be either from pins or from blocks.  I don’t want you to have to lower it down and pause, I want you able to get set up to bar in perfect position and then pull from a static position.  If you don’t have pins, set up blocks.
B. Front Squats w/ chains, 2/min for 10 min @ 75% + chains
C. Cleans, 10 reps @ 75-85%, video each rep and review b/w each rep to self correct **cleans looked good.  I know it’s relatively low % but 220 looked easy and powerful.
12 min AMRAP
75 Double Unders
25 Wall Ball, 20/14#
10 Burpees

Double coaching duty, did not get started till after 8 and stopped before the wod at 10. Super tough training session, everything felt heavier than normal. 

A. Played a little with some hip clean pulls while warming up. 
185 hip clean pull
225 hip clean pull

265# (1st rep cut off)

275x2 (straps)

B. These were rough today, 245+ 52# of chains. Got thru 5 sets then failed twice, drop the weight to last weekes weight, did that twice, then finished the last 3 sets at 245. 

Mash potatoes all the way after set 3 

C. Ugh. 



Got pinned back a few times on the 215, 
And had a weird rotation thing going on the 225, my left foot moved back with me but my right foot did not, made the catch very uncomfortable on my right knee and right wrist.... It was just a long night I think. Much later than my usual training time. Just gona get some sleep and try again tomorrow.