Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tuesday- UB CP + Density + MAP High effort
10 Legless Rope Climbs for time
rest as needed
50 Strict HSPU’s for time
3 sets 
Row 1000m *at 30 min TT pace -2 sec
15 DB Thrusters, 25#/H
10 Burpees
rest 1 min b/w sets    

A. Pretty sure these were 20' ropes at this gym. They were definitely taller than at my box. 
10 mins... First 4 were in 2:15, hit the wall there. 

B. 2:45 15,15,10,4,4,2 just ran out of juice to finish that last set of 10.... I was thinking 2-2:15 till that last set. 

1) 5:55 2:10 split
2) 5:58 2:12 splits 
3) 5:54 2:11 splits

All I could think about was this is a MAP6 dude, make sure it's sustainable, don't go lactic. Lol! 

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