Saturday, October 10, 2015

Friday- UB Skill + UB Density + Long Aerobic Odd Object
A1. Strict Lean Away Pull Ups @ 30X1, 5 x 3-5 reps, rest 30 sec **add weight vest if possible
A2. Deficit Strict HSPU @ 30X1, 5 x 3-5 reps, rest 2 mn **add deficit as possible
B. 10 Unbroken CTB Pull Ups x 4, rest as needed to complete unbroken
C1. Chin Over Bar L-Sit Hold, 4 x 20 sec, rest 30 sec
C2. Wall Facing HS Hold, 4 x 45 sec, rest 30 sec **focus on good hollow position
15 min @ easy pace
30 sec Shoulder Taps Wall Facing
50’ Reverse Bear Crawl
100’ Walking Lunges
10 V-Ups
15 Back Extensions

A1. 5 no vest, then with a 20# vest 5,5,4,4
A2. 5,5,5,5,4

B. Done. Probably should have times my rest. 

C1. 3 rounds. 4th round I could not stay up. My biceps were done. 
C2. 3 good rounds, round 4 at 20 seconds I came crashing on my head. 

3 rounds

Back had a crazy pump after the back extensions. All I could think about was old school Arnold Schwarzenegger in Pumping Iron. Lol! 

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