Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Monday- Snatch Pulls + SB + Snatch + SL + LP
A. Snatch Pull from 2” deficit, 3, 2, 1, 1 reps @ 100-115%, rest 2-3 min
B. Snatch Push Press + 2 Snatch Balance + 3 OHS, tough set in 5 min **video 
C. Snatch, 8 singles @ 80-90%, video every rep and review b/c reps to self correct, focus on perfect technique
D. Double KB Front Rack Reverse Lunge off 45# plate @ 30X0, 3 x 8/leg, rest 45 sec b/w legs
15 sec Sled Push Heavy but high turnover, rest 1:30 min x 6 **same weight

A. 215

B. 134, 185 fail, 185 made.  

Accidentally deleted the fail 185. On the second snatch balance I lost my balance in the hole and lost the bar behind me. I think I was trying to go too fast. 

C. Started working on my hook grip again and it was throwing me off. My wrists were hurting at the catch. Was on my toes too early too. But it usually takes me a few sessions to get back into the hook grip. 
170x4+2 fails
175x1+1 fail

D. 35# KB per hand. 

Sled pushes- move the sled much better than last week. Felt like I was sprinting. Last round I hit a dead spot in the parking lot I had to grind thru, but that was about it. 

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