Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Monday- Snatch Pulls + FSQ + WL emom’s + Sled drag
A. 3 Snatch Pull + Hang Snatch from knee cap, build to tough set in 15 min
B. Front Squat, build to tough single in 10 min
C. Power Snatch x 3/min for 10 min @ 115#
D. Power Clean x 5/min for 10 min @ 115#
400m Sled Walk moderate grinding weight.  Focus on driving heel into ground and pulling with glute/hamstring

A. 175, I should have attacked this one more. Got a little tentative in my last 2 attempts but I could have hit 185+ I think. Grip was in my mind. 

B. 305

C done TnG
D done TnG (played a little with hip cleaning these.)

Sled walks ate my lunch. Started with an additional 50# in the "sled" (I used a very large tire) and felt fine for 100m. Then my calves exploded even tho I was driving thru my heel and staying off my toes as much as humanly possible. Had to lose 25# at 200m (which i had to still carry across my chest back to the box)
7:11 minutes. That kicked my butt. Lol!

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