Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Monday- Clean & Jerk Int + Clean Density + FSQ Low Vol + Aerobic/Core
A. Hang Clean from blocks at knee cap + Jerk Cluster, 1.1, build to tough set **get knees back a little more in the set up of the hang position, shins vertical to load the hamstrings more
B. Clean, 2 TnG w/ 195 x 10 sets for time:
C. Front Squat @ 20X1, 4 x 3 @ 85%, rest 2 min
D. BSQ @ 20X1, 4 x 3 @ 85%, rest 2 min
20 min @ easy pace
Run 200m
20 sec Chin over Bar Hold in L-sit Position
10 Alt Pistols
10 Step Ups Alt, 20"
15’ Lateral HS Walk Wall Facing against a wall both directions **focus on tight core

A. 155,175,185,205,225

Camera man broke it down into 2 parts... But they are the same lift at 205.

B. 6:06 

C. 260 done

D. 290 done

3 full rounds + 10 step ups 

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