Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Tuesday- UB EMOM w/ Aerobic
30 min EMOM
1st- 5 L-Sit Ring Pull Ups + Air Bike @ 60% remaining time
2nd- 3 Strict Deficit HSPU’s **add depth + Air Bike @ 60% remaining time **5” deficit
3rd- 4 Muscle Ups **try to go no false grip + Air Bike @ 60% remaining time
3 sets @ high consistent effort
Row 1000m @ 2:02/500m
rest 1 min
x 3   

EMOM done. 
6 1/4 inch deficit. Strict. 
Ring pull ups were still the worst. Around round 7 core was going and legs were dropping. 
Surprised at the fact I got all MUs done. 

These crushed me today

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