Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Monday- Snatch Complex + Single Leg + LP Bike + Aerobic Runs
Daily WU
A. Squat Snatch, AMRAP TnG @ 135# x 3 sets, rest 3 min b/w
B. Snatch Cluster, 1.1 , tough set in 10 min *drop from top
C. Front Rack Lunges, 3 x 12 steps, rest 2 min
3 x 25 sec MAX EFFORT Air Dyne, rest 3:05
Run 800m, rest 60 sec x 2   **5-10 sec faster than last week

A. 8,10,7 (quad pump anyone?)
B. 185, got 1 at 200, failed the second
C. 155 for all of them (quads felt super tight after A)
AD. Done
Rowed sub

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