Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Monday- Snatch + FSQ + LP repeats
A. Snatch, build to a tough double TnG
B. Front Squat @ 10X0, 3 x 10, rest 2 min **no pause at the top
For time:
15 TnG Power Snatch, 95#
9 Bar-Facing Burpees
6 TnG Power Clean to OH, 135#
9 Bar-Facing Burpees
rest 12 min
x 2

A. 185, missed 200 twice. Getting a bit frustrated with my snatch. Don't have any confidence in it and I have that meet in 3 weeks. I feel like I can't get under 200+ to save my life. 

B. 165, 185, 185... These were sneaky rough. 

2:04; 2:24
Couldn't go unbroken on the c&j s. I figured these were all out sets so I came out hard out of the gate on both the snatches and burpees, by the time I got the the c&j they felt so heavy! Went 2,2,2 with no rest but just dropping off the top on round 1 and 4,1,1 on round 2. 

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