Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Thursday- Clean Pull Complex + FSQ + SL Vol + Aerobic Cool Down
A. Clean + Front Squat, tough set in 12 min
4 sets @ high effort
55 Double Unders
12 DB Thrusters, 25#/H
15 Dead Lifts, 115#
12 Box Jumps, 24"
rest 60 sec
B1. DB Lateral Crossover Box Step Ups, 3 x 10/leg, rest 45 sec b/w legs **DB’s by side
B2. Hollow Rock, 3 x 60 sec, rest 45 sec

A. 255, missed 275 twice, hit me on the throat and sent me flying back wards. Lol! So close tho. 


Last set of DUs got me. Shoulders just tired out. 

B1. Done
B2. Done

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