Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Tuesday- MAP Long
7 min @ high consistent effort
4 Muscle Ups
21 Wall Ball, 20#
rest 7 min 
7 min @ high consistent effort
11 Push Press, 115#
22 KB Swings, 53#
33 Double Unders
rest 7 min
7 min @ high effort
20 Cal Air Bike
20 CTB Pull Ups
rest 7 min
7 min @ high consistent effort
20 Double DB Thrusters, 35#/H
15 Toes to Bar 

4 rounds +4 MUs.  First round all unbroken, then 11+ 10, 11+10, 7+7+7. That clock was crawling!

3+6 PP. managed to keep the DUs UB, 
First round all UB, round two and three broke the KBS into 11+11, third round the PP had to break at 8+3.

2+5... CTB went 8+7+5 both rounds but my AD got much slower with each round. 1:05, 1:20, 1:20

3 even... Just didn't have enough in the tank to atrack the thrusters. 

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