Thursday, December 3, 2015

Thursday- Clean Pull Complex + FSQ + SL Vol + Aerobic Cool Down
A. Power Clean + Clean + 2 Front Squat, tough set in 12 min
4 sets @ high effort
50 Double Unders
10 DB Thrusters, 30#/H
20 Hang Power Snatch, 45#
rest 60 sec
B1. Front Rack RFE Split Squat @ 30X1, 3 x 10/leg, rest 45 sec b/w legs **DB’s by side
B2. Hollow Rock, 3 x 45 sec, rest 

A. 135, 165, 185, 205, 215, 225
1) 1:46
2) 2:34
3) 2:18
4) 2:40
First one went ok, second missed twice on DUs and that slowed me down... 3rd round shoulders were going going gone after the Thrusters. Last round was just a shoulder grind. 

B1) done with 35#
B2) done 

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