Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Tuesday- Bending + MAP Runs + Row test
A. RDL to below knee cap @ 33X1, build to a tough single **start from lock out by setting bar on pins, lower down to knee cap and pause for 3 sec and extend up to re-rack
Row 500m @ 1:55/500m rest/walk 1:00 min x 5
5 rounds for time:
Row 300m
8 Toes to Bar

A)335 didn't feel too bad... But my right hamstring was starting to shake quite a bit. 
B) done
First 3 felt ok... Last 2 were tougher. 


Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday- Oly Int + OH CP + SL/Pull Battery
A. Pause Snatch Clusters, 1.1, build to tough set *pause 2 sec just above knee cap
B. Power Clean.Front Squat.Jerk, 1.2.1, build to tough set
C. Push Press @ 30X3, build to 3RM, -5% & -10% for 3
16 min EMOM
1st- 4 Steps Front Rack Lunge + 2 FSQ @ 60% 1RM FSQ
2nd- 3 Burpee Bar Muscle ups

A) 75, 105, 135(F), 135, 155, 165, 170 (last 5 videoed in order) felt like better position over the bar today.

B)135, 165, 185, 195, 205. (last 3 videoed in order). the jerk started off iffy. felt better towards the end.

C) 75, 105, 135, 155, 165, 175 (max for the day) 165, 160.

did first 4 rounds at 180, on round 5 i missed the power clean, the squat cleaned it so i only equated 1 time at the end. round 6 i could not clean the bar... dropped the weight to 175 and ended up not finishing before the end of that minute. did the last 3 rounds at 175. legs were feeling it, but my lower back was very very tight.
Saturday- Power Oly + High Effort MAP
A. Hang Power Snatch from below the knee- 3RM, no straps
B. Power Clean Cluster, 1.1.1, build to a tough set
15 sets @ high effort
5 Push Press, 115#
7 Toes to Bar
9 Box Jump Overs, 24"
rest 60 sec b/w sets

A)75, 105, 135, 145, 150

grip felt like the limiter here.

B) 165, 185, 195, 205

stepped down every time.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Friday- FSQ Chains+ Cl Pulls deficit + Jerk + Pull Up CP + Core
(do today if you can and rest tomorrow for comp)
A. Front Squat @ 20X1, 5 x 3 reps, w/ 60#’s of chains total, build over 5 sets, last 3 tough
B. Clean Pulls from 2” deficit, 1/30 sec for 12 reps @ 110% of clean
C. Split Jerk from Blocks- 3 x 2 @ 85%, rest 2 min
D1. Wtd Pull Up @ 50X1, 5 x 3, rest 30 sec
D2. GH Bench Press @ 3030, 5 x 7 reps, rest 1 min

A) hit 235 + chains, did 2 at 255+ chains got stuck at parallel on the third.
B) 290, done. did not feel very explosive.
C) same story for all three sets. made first attempt, missed second and third attempts. walked away from the blocks, come back and hit the 4rth. felt really slow slow on these today. 
Thursday- Snatch OH work + PC + Grinder     
A. Snatch Push Press @ 30X1, build to 10RM
B. Power Clean, build to 5RM TnG
5 rounds for time:
1 Power Snatch @ 185
3 OHS @ 185
3 Max Effort Broad Jumps
1 Legless Rope Climb, 15'

A) 125
B) 185. limiting factor was grip. i can only hook grip the first one, and my hands are so small i kept missing when i would try to catch it on my way down. 



METCON:  here is where i ran into trouble. warmed up power snatch up to an OK 175 power snatch (my current PR is 180 and that was with straps). started the clock and missed 185 3 times in a row, so i cut it back to 175, which i promptly missed 3 times again. cut it back to 155 on the first round so i could move past it... second round tried 165 and missed 3 times, tries 155 missed three times. went for 135 again, just so i could get past the round. rounds 3 and 4 i did at 155, and round 5 i finally hit 165.

arguably the most frustrating part of an already frustrating week. every miss was not high enough for a power AND out in front. Ironically on my warm ups i almost missed 165 and 175 behind me.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Tuesday- Bending + MAP Runs + Row test
A. RDL to below knee cap @ 22X1, 5 x 3 tough reps, use straps, rest 2 min
Run 400m @ 80%, rest/walk 1:30 min x 6
5 rounds for time:
Row 300m
7 Burpee Over Rower 

A) 185, 235, 255, 275, 295. Could feel my back starting to round as I held the bottom position at 295... That was probably my limit today with mostly good technique. 

1) 2:04
2) 1:48
3) 3:00- shins and calves just blew up... Ended up walking the last 100m. 
They also were cramping a lot on Saturday but I was able to finish that one. Not today. Just painful. Going to a Chiro Friday to see if they can help release what ever is going on in there. 

5 rounds
The rows felt good actually, burpees sucked because I just could not jump. Landing was especially painful. Ended up stepping over on the last 3 rounds. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday- Oly Int + OH CP + SL/Pull Battery
A. Snatch Clusters, 1.1, build to tough set
B. Power Clean.Front Squat.Jerk, 1.2.2, build to tough set
C. Push Press @ 30X3, build to 4RM, -5% & -10% for 4
16 min EMOM
1st- 4 Steps Front Rack Lunge + 2 FSQ @ 60% 1RM FSQ
2nd- 3 Burpee Bar Muscle ups

A)135, 155, 175, 180 (videos in that order)

was not getting to my heels... was not sweeping my knees back... toes too early on second pull... not my best day for snatches.

B) 165, 185, 205 felt slow and not explosive all

C)75, 135, 165 (max), 155, 150.

skipped the EMOM... body was really really achy all day today. just felt awful. not my best day of training, but hopefully i'll start to feel better soon.
Saturday- Power Oly + High Effort MAP
A. Power Snatch.Hang Power Snatch, 1.1/min for 10 min, start @ 65% and try to build
B. Clean Pull.Power Clean, build to a tough set
15 sets @ high effort
5 GH Sit Ups
5 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24”
30 Double Unders
rest 60 sec b/w sets

A) 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 145, 145, 145, 150, 140, 
B) 135, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 

built up slowly today... usually i take really big jumps. 




225 fail

Friday- FSQ Chains+ Cl Pulls deficit + Jerk + Pull Up CP + Core
(do today if you can and rest tomorrow for comp)
A. Front Squat @ 20X1, 5 x 4 reps, w/ 60#’s of chains total, build over 5 sets, last 3 tough
B. Clean Pulls from 2” deficit, 1/30 sec for 15 reps @ 105% of clean
C. Split Jerk from Blocks- 3 x 3 @ 82.5%, rest 2 min
D1. Wtd Pull Up @ 50X1, 5 x 4, rest 30 sec
D2. GH Bench Press @ 3030, 5 x 6 reps, rest 1 min

A)135+ chains, 165+ chains, 195 + chains, 215 +, 225+ 
B)280, done
C) 220 done... tough.
  last set

D1) 20# vest done
D2) done.
Thursday- Snatch OH work + PC + Grinder     
A. Snatch Push Press @ 30X3, build to 10RM
B. Power Clean, 3 TnG/min for 10 min, start @ 50% and build as needed
5 rounds for time:
3 Power Snatch, 155#
3 Box Jumps, 36”
1 Rope Climb with legs, 15’

A) 135x10  
B) 135, 145, 155, 165, 165, 175, 175, 175, 185, 195


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Tuesday- Bending + MAP Runs + Row test
A. RDL to below knee cap @ 40X1, 3 x 5 tough reps, use straps, rest 2 min
Run 400m @ 80%, rest/walk 2 min x 6
5 rounds for time:
Run 200m
7 HSPU’s
2 Burpee Bar Muscle Ups

A. Wasn't sure if all sets were to be done at same weight or build to a tough... Warmed up with 135,185, then 235, 235, 265. Could have gone heavier. 

1) 1:58
2) 1:48
3) 1:46
4)  1:48
5) 1:47
6) 1:46

10:40 ( was hoping for sub 10) 

Legs were smoked from last nights lunges. 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Monday- Oly Int + OH CP + SL/Pull Battery
A. Snatch Clusters, 1.1.1, build to tough set
B. Clean.Front Squat.Jerk, 1.1.2, build to tough set
C. Push Press @ 30X3, build to 5RM, -5% & -10% for 5
16 min EMOM
1st- 6 Steps Front Rack Lunch @ 60% 1RM FSQ
2nd- 3 Unbroken Ring Muscle Ups

A) 155

175 (failed 2nd, hit the next 2)

slow under the bar tonight... attempted 185 hit one failed one and called it.
B) crap... did not see it till now
C) 155... tempo on push press was just a bit weird,
     145x5, 140x5
lunges at 180# was really tough. but got thru.
MUs done UB.
aturday- Power Oly + High Effort MAP
A. Power Snatch, 1 @ 80% each min for 10 min
B. Power Clean, 1 @ 80% each min for 10 min
15 sets @ high effort
7 Toes to Bar
Run 100m
5 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24”
rest 60 sec b/w sets

Bday celebration followed by a stomach bug... attempted to snatch... was not gona happen. took it off

Sunday was not well enough to lift yet.
Friday- FSQ Chains+ Cl Pulls deficit + Jerk + Pull Up CP + Core
(do today if you can and rest tomorrow for comp)
A. Front Squat @ 20X1, 5 x 5 reps, w/ 60#’s of chains total, build over 5 sets, last 3 tough
B. Clean Pulls from 2” deficit, 1/30 sec for 20 reps @ 100% of clean
C. Split Jerk from Blocks- 3 x 3 @ 80%, rest 2 min
D1. Wtd Pull Up @ 50X1, 5 x 5, rest 30 sec
D2. GH Bench Press @ 3030, 5 x 5 reps, rest 1 min

A) (only found 52# of chains today... i know i have 20 more hiding somewhere at the box tho.)
  165+ chains, 185+chains, 205+ chains, 225+ chains ( failed 4th rep), 205+chains.
C) 210. ok first 2 sets... last set was ugly.

175 warm up

210 set 1

210 set 3 (failed 3rd, came back and hit 4th)
D1)  did first 3 rounds at 45#... ran out of juice on round 4... had to finish with no weights.
D2) done.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Wednesday- C&J Int + Clean Pulls + Core + Cyclical MAP
A. Clean.Front Squat.Jerk- 1.1.2, build to tough set
B. Clean Pulls @ 120%, 1/30 sec for 5 min, pull as fast as possible and drop from the top.
C. GH Bench Press @ 3030, 3 x 10 reps, rest 2 min
4 sets of
10 Cal Air Bike
60 sec rest
200m Run
60 sec rest
250m Row
60 sec rest

A) only got as high as 210#. was still sore from all the pull ups i had to do tuesday and yesterday. (Demo about 60 pull ups thru out my 2 classes last night... bad idea.)

165 easy still warming up

185 re racking the bar after the first jerk was the hardest part.

210 everything felt forward so i called it there. also re racking the bar was actually difficult.

B)done 315#... thumbs couldn't handle the hook grip here... used straps for the last 2 minutes. these were not fast even tho i was pulling with everything i had.

C)done with 15# bar... for some reason felt it more on my back today... probably the heavy clean pulls but still.

went pretty hard in all of these (for someone thats not good at breathing hard)

10 cal row times              200m run              250m row
:29                                    :50                         :54
:21                                    :47                         :54
:22                                    :42                         :52
:21                                    :48                         :54

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tuesday- BSQ Int + IGT
A. Back Squat @ 50X1, build to 5RM
2 sets @ high effort
22 Unbroken CTB Pull Ups
Air Bike 4 min
rest 3 min b/w sets
2 sets @ high effort
20 HSPU’s
Row 1000m
rest 4 min b/w sets
3 rounds not for time:
25ft HS Walk
4-5 Pistols/leg
3 Triple Unders

A) 275, legs finally felt pretty good. breathing was the limiting factor.  debated going up for more but did not want to jeopardize the tempo.

2 sets @ high effort
22 Unbroken CTB Pull Ups
Air Bike 4 min

1st set of CTB felt great. AD was just awful... 58 calls in 4 minutes, but i wanted to fall off the bike at about 2 minutes in. my "high effort" felt like a crawl, but my legs just would not move faster.

2nd set, butterflied thru 17 CTB then had to regular kip the last 5. just ran out of steam. 49 cals on the AD, again that might have been the hardest part of the entire night. 

2 sets @ high effort
20 HSPU’s
Row 1000m

HSPU UB for both sets, first row felt ok until around 700m then my lower back started to tighten up on both sets. 

3 rounds not for time:
25ft HS Walk
4-5 Pistols/leg
3 Triple Unders

ran out of time, will do it tomorrow. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday- PSn Int + Sn Pulls + EMOM Snatch Based
A. Snatch w/ no hook grip, build to 1RM
B. Snatch Pull @ 30X1, 3 x 3 reps @ 120%, where straps
20 min EMOM
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch + 1 OHS@ 115# + 2 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 20"

A) 185, felt solid, got greedy and went for 200 and missed it twice so i called it there. still... more than i expected.

B) 265 done.

EMOM- done. 

Yesterday i coached at an oly clinic, then participated on their mini meet so that one of the guys was not following himself every time. kept is light tho. snatched 165, 175, 190, and C&J 225, 235, 250. felt fine today tho. 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Saturday- MAP Long Low Vol
5 sets @ 80% effort
Row 500m
20 KB Swings, 53#
10 Toes to Bar
Run 200m
20 Box Jump Overs, 24"
rest 5 min b/w sets


20 KB Swings, 53#
Row 500m
10 Toes to Bar
20 Box Jump Overs, 24"
Run 200m


10 Toes to Bar
20 Box Jump Overs, 24"
Run 200m
20 KB Swings, 53#
Row 500m


Run 200m
20 KB Swings, 53#
20 Box Jump Overs, 24"
Row 500m
10 Toes to Bar


20 Box Jump Overs, 24"
10 Toes to Bar
20 KB Swings, 53#
Row 500m
Run 200m


had some grip issues the first 2 rounds. however i have no idea why 3 sand 5 were so much faster than the others everything seemed to flow perfectly in those 2... 4 was a mental grind tho and again, i don't know why. 

Friday- FSQ Tempo + Cl Low Vol + Snatch Low Vol + Sled AnAl
(do today if you can and rest tomorrow for comp)
A. Front Squat @ 15X3 tempo, build to 1RM, 5% off for 1, 10% off for 1
B. Power Snatch Cluster- 1.1, tough set
C. Power Clean.Clean.Front Squat, 1.1.1 build to tough set
18 sec Heavy Sled Sprint, rest 4 min x 5  **heavy but fast turnover

not the best training I've ever had during halloween... i think i had a s'more between every lift i performed and thew down 2 pounds of fajitas during the session... lol! and passed out candy to the kiddos... oh well. multitasking.

A)255# went straight for 275 after and failed. let out too much air at the bottom. i think on another day i can hit that. followed with 240 and 230 and made both. 

B)180# thats another PS PR. first one was super solid, second caught barely above parallel. I did use straps for that one tho. lifting at a buddies garage with no chalk and a newly coated bar that was really slippery. and surrounded by kids, wanted no accidents there. 

C)225#, PC was the limiter there.