Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday- Oly Int + OH CP + SL/Pull Battery
A. Snatch Clusters, 1.1, build to tough set
B. Power Clean.Front Squat.Jerk, 1.2.2, build to tough set
C. Push Press @ 30X3, build to 4RM, -5% & -10% for 4
16 min EMOM
1st- 4 Steps Front Rack Lunge + 2 FSQ @ 60% 1RM FSQ
2nd- 3 Burpee Bar Muscle ups

A)135, 155, 175, 180 (videos in that order)

was not getting to my heels... was not sweeping my knees back... toes too early on second pull... not my best day for snatches.

B) 165, 185, 205 felt slow and not explosive all

C)75, 135, 165 (max), 155, 150.

skipped the EMOM... body was really really achy all day today. just felt awful. not my best day of training, but hopefully i'll start to feel better soon.

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