Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tuesday- BSQ Int + IGT
A. Back Squat @ 50X1, build to 5RM
2 sets @ high effort
22 Unbroken CTB Pull Ups
Air Bike 4 min
rest 3 min b/w sets
2 sets @ high effort
20 HSPU’s
Row 1000m
rest 4 min b/w sets
3 rounds not for time:
25ft HS Walk
4-5 Pistols/leg
3 Triple Unders

A) 275, legs finally felt pretty good. breathing was the limiting factor.  debated going up for more but did not want to jeopardize the tempo.

2 sets @ high effort
22 Unbroken CTB Pull Ups
Air Bike 4 min

1st set of CTB felt great. AD was just awful... 58 calls in 4 minutes, but i wanted to fall off the bike at about 2 minutes in. my "high effort" felt like a crawl, but my legs just would not move faster.

2nd set, butterflied thru 17 CTB then had to regular kip the last 5. just ran out of steam. 49 cals on the AD, again that might have been the hardest part of the entire night. 

2 sets @ high effort
20 HSPU’s
Row 1000m

HSPU UB for both sets, first row felt ok until around 700m then my lower back started to tighten up on both sets. 

3 rounds not for time:
25ft HS Walk
4-5 Pistols/leg
3 Triple Unders

ran out of time, will do it tomorrow. 

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